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-Everleigh's POV-

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-Everleigh's POV-

Today is December 3rd, the weather is so cold I am literally wearing 5 layers under my leather coat. Sometimes I wonder why we have to stay in Canada in this cold weather, even when Dad is not working.
Anyway, I am writing this because I have to, not because I want you guys to have fun reading it or anything... So, I woke up early this morning, it was about 6am when I first saw the time, I had breakfast with Max and mom since dad and Asher were out doing some grocery shopping, we had scrambled eggs with toast and hot chocolate, I told mom I wanted to go to Madison's, she told me to wait until Asher got back, then he can drive me there.

30 minutes later Asher and dad were home, I got ready and asked Asher to drive me to Madison's.
"Hey, Asher!" I said.
"Hey, what's up?" Asher asked, "Let me guess! Another letter?" He asked and laughed.
"What, no, I want you to take me to Madison."
"Oh, all right."
I went outside to wait for him in the car, but instead I found another letter! I was so confused, this is the third letter, but this time we didn't hear a knock on the door... could the person who sent it have knocked on the door but we didn't hear it?
Anything was possible because we don't have security cameras on our porch. I bent down to pick up the letter, this time it looked very formal, it even had a stamp, but it was covered in yellow nail polish, just like the other letter, but this time it was just a line drawn randomly to cover the stamp, i sniffed the yellow stain to make sure it was nail polish too and I wasn't surprised when I knew it was nail polish, I opened the letter but to my surprise it had random letters cut out of a magazine on it:-

" M E F G A H "

I flipped the letter closed and the longer I had to wait, the faster I wanted to go to Madison! I put the letter in my pocket and called Asher.
"Asher, come on!" I shouted.
"I'm coming!" I heard Asher yell back.
A few seconds later, Asher was at the door,
"What took you so long?" I asked angrily.
"Nothing, now come on."
Oh man, he was so annoying! I sat down in the passenger seat and Asher sat next to me in the driver's seat, I didn't say much on ride, but Asher asked me a question that made me think a LOT, like A LOT!
"Do you think mom and dad know something we don't?" He asked suspiciously.
"What do you mean?"

Asher didn't answer, so I just answered his question...
"No, I don't think so, why?"
"Nevermind," he said coldly.
I really wanted to know what he meant! But I knew Asher, he doesn't budge once he's made up his mind, so I didn't ask again.

As soon as I knew I was at Madison's, I knocked on the door twice, but no one answered,
I knocked again, still no answer, I knocked for the third and final time... No one opened the door, I turned to leave, but my stupid brother, Asher, was already gone!

I called him on my phone, but the connection was awful, I only had one choice which was to walk back home, i didn't want to walk home because the weather is so cold that I can't last a minute without freezing or turning into a snowball,

I decided to peek through the window, luckily, the curtains were slightly open so I could see her living room, I only stared for a second before I saw a girl on the floor, she looked like she was dead! And guess what? It was Madison!

I couldn't believe my eyes and called her through the window,
"Madison," I shouted in a loud voice.
When she didn't move, I knew I had to call the police, but I didn't realise I shouldn't have,
"It's 911, what's your emergency?" Asked the policeman.
"I found a body in my friend's house... And I... I.. I'm sure she's my friend herself!" I said through clenched teeth.
"Can you send us your address right away?"
"Yes, I'll."
I hung up and started sending my address to the police... a few minutes later the house was surrounded by 6 police cars, a man got out of one of the cars, he introduced himself as Jackson Christopher, he had ginger, wavy hair, his eyes were green, and he always had a mysterious look on his face, he was a detective, he asked me to explain
what had happened

"I was on my way to Madison's house to ask her about  mysterious letters that were sent to my house, then I knocked."I said
Jackson interrupted me
"What are these letters?" he asked
I explained all about these letters and who I think sent them, he didn't seem surprised or worried, he even looked like he already knew who did it, I don't think this is the first time I've seen this because I've heard a lot about it in novels and stuff, I still think the killer is a boy even though I've got a lot of girls in my list, but that's because when we went in later to examine the body, she was hit so hard with someone's fist! And it didn't look convincing enough to be a woman punching someone that hard, unless she has the strength of a muscle man.

"What is your relationship to the dead girl, Madison?" Asked the detective.
"We're close friends." I replied, I also wondered why did he have to use the word *dead girl*.
"How long have you known her?"
"About five years, maybe more."

I didn't know what he was trying to do with these questions because it looked like he was getting information about me, which made me feel like he thought I had killed her, I mean what would he do with the knowledge that I had known her for 5 years?

Jackson, the detective, asked me if I had the letters with me,
"Yes I did, do you want to look at them?" I asked
"Yes, please."
I handed him the letters and reached for my phone to call Madison's parents.
They answered and I told them what had happened, her mom wasn't panicking at all, I had a feeling she was the one who had killed her, she just said
"I'll be right there." Madison's mom sighed.
I hung up and couldn't help but think that someone in her family had committed this horrible act!

It was already 12 pm and her parents hadn't arrived yet... in the meantime, the detective and the police officers were searching the house for evidence, I told Jackson I had to go, he asked me if I had time to stay.

"I'm so sorry, I really want to help, but I don't have time." I said apologetically.
"Okay, just give me your number before you go." Jackson replied.
I handed Jackson my phone number and headed out.

As I was walking back home, I encountered Asher in his car. He stopped and rolled down the window.
"What are you doing? Where were you?" he yelled at me loudly.
"Madison was murdered!" I exclaimed, unable to hold back my tears as I cried.
"What?" Asher was taken back.
"Yeah, the police are at her house now. Let's just go back home!" I suggested.

We got into the car, and none of us said a word during the entire journey back home. It was too much to handle for just the first part of the day.

Anyway, the rest of the day didn't have many noteworthy events. We had lunch and dinner, but something strange happened before midnight. I received a phone call from Jackson. He informed me that Madison's parents had been involved in a car accident on their way home.
Unfortunately, both of them had sustained serious injuries and passed away. Even more tragic, her sister Ryleigh was also injured and didn't survive.
But before her untimely demise, she uttered something that left me pondering. She said:-
"My parents were going to die anyways."

Jackson also mentioned that the other driver, a man in his twenties, survived the accident with a few scars on his legs and arms. Other than that, he was perfectly fine.

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