CHAPTER 5 *part 2*

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"Excuse me, did Everleigh react to her father's idea?" David interrupted her

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"Excuse me, did Everleigh react to her father's idea?" David interrupted her.
"Hmm...She gave an 'I guess..' but she was a bit tired, so I think that's why she wasn't keen."
"Alright, Everleigh and John went to collect wood, that's the last time you saw her, right?"
"Y...yeah-" And suddenly Mom broke down,
"It's okay, Mrs. Garfield..." David tried to calm her down, "We'll find her, just one more question... Has Everleigh ever run away before?"
"W.. What? No!"
"Okay, okay, I see, so there's no point in running away, right?"
"N.. N.. No, I don't think my Ev would do that to us!"
"Oh, I got a message from your son, he says he's is with 2 of Everleigh's classmates, they're ready for an interview, thank you so much Mrs. Jennifer, I appreciate your time, have a great day."
Then David hung up, mom was still crying, she sat down on the sofa and buried her face in her hands.

David showed up at the room's door with a notebook and a pen.
"Hi, Asher," he said formally.
"Hi, Mr. David." I shook his hand.
He sat down and looked at the two girls,
"So, what are your names?"
He got straight to the point.
"Grace, and Faith." Said Grace, pointing at herself then to her sister.
"Alright, what were you doing in the woods-"
"We were looking for Everleigh, we heard the news about her and her parents offered money to whoever found her, we really needed the money, and since we heard she was lost in the woods we looked there, but then my sister Faith tripped and sprained her ankle, so we had to stop until someone found us..."
"Didn't you have your cell phones with you?"
"We did, but we lost the connection."
"Then why didn't you go somewhere else, call someone and come back to your sister?"
"Because if I had gone another way I would not have been able to come back, it was so hard to see where you had gone."
"Okay, how do you know Everleigh?"
"She was our classmate, we did not have a closer relationship, we just waved at each other..."
"So you guys are twins..." David pointed at the two of them.
"Yes, but not identical ones, though..."
"I see."
He obviously 'sees' because I also 'see'. They were total opposites, one was blonde, the other was brunette, one had black eyes, the other had green ones...

"Excuse me, they did mention that she's the daughter of a teacher, and well, neither my father nor my mother work..."
"Did they know who you were before they said that?"
"No, they did not know I was her brother."
"Mmm, okay, so, Faith or Grace, whichever it is, who do you think their father or mother is?" David said to the two of them.
"Mr. Jones Brown," Faith and Grace said in one voice. "There were rumors that Mr. Jones, the English teacher, was Everleigh's father, they had the same blonde hair and blue eyes, but no one ever saw them together or spoke to each other." Faith continued.
David said that was all he needed from them and excused himself to leave.
As soon as he left I got a call from an unknown number, the speaker's voice was deep and low, I could tell it was a guy.
"I have her." He said, "I'll send you my location, you better not be there without 10 grand."
I was so confused, he sent me his location and I immediately called my friend Jacob, he picked me up from the hospital, and we drove to the location, I didn't tell my parents though.
We arrived at the location which was 48 minutes from the hospital, we parked the car near the house just in case we had to run, but we didn't have the 10 grand, we saw a creepy wooden house that looked like it was from a Cabin Fever movie.

We had metal stools that we had grabbed from Jacob's boot and I nervously knocked on the door, but no one opened, so we tiptoed around to the back of the house to see if there were any windows we could see out of.
Was Everleigh really here? Or was the guy just trying to get some money after seeing the news?
It was worth a try, my sister's life depended on us now. We heard a door crack open and we rushed back to the front door, a dark figure stood at the door, I couldn't see his face, just heard his deep voice.
"The money." He held out his hand for the money.
"Is Everleigh there? Is she safe? How did you-" I asked quickly.
"She's safe, but if you don't have the money, I don't think she will be anymore."
I was shaking and I didn't know what to do, I thought about hitting him with one of these things in my hand, but he seemed like some kind of a muscle man.
"I don't have the money, but you better give Everleigh back or I'll call the police on you!" I shouted in his face.
Jacob was watching silently but he was ready to hit him when I did.
I shoved the man out of the way and rushed inside while Jacob practically froze.
But the guy ran after me and hit me on the head with a heavy bat, the last thing I saw was BLACK.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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