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We arrived home in twenty minutes because there was a lot of snow on the road so we had to take shortcuts, Asher got the keys out of his pocket and opened the door,"Hi, Mom!" Said Asher"We're back!" I continued Asher's sentence

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We arrived home in twenty minutes because there was a lot of snow on the road so we had to take shortcuts, Asher got the keys out of his pocket and opened the door,
"Hi, Mom!" Said Asher
"We're back!" I continued Asher's sentence.
"Oh hello kids! What have you been up to, it's 12 o'clock." Said mom.
"Oh nothing, remember Emma from middle school, she was in a car accident, I don't know what's going on with everyone, Madison was murdered, then her parents were in a car accident and passed away, Ryleigh died too, and now Emma's in the hospital!" I said.
"I'm so sorry honey, I'm sure you're tired now, why don't you guys go to sleep, your dad wants us to go camping tomorrow." Mom said.
"Where's dad?" Asher asked.
"Oh, he's gone to buy stuff for the camping trip!" replied Mom

A few minutes later, I was lying in bed when I got a call from an unsaved number,
"Hey, Everleigh," a man said in a high-pitched voice.
"Hello, who am I talking to?" I asked.
"It's me, David."
"Oh, hi David."
"Hello, can I interview you for a few minutes?"
"Sure, what about?"
"You already know what happened..."
"Oh, right, sorry, go ahead."
"So, what time did you get to Madison's house?"
"lemme think, um,I think I got there around eight."
"And that's when you saw your friend on the floor, right?"
"Who do you think could have done this, Miss Everleigh?"
"Oh, I don't think I'm in a position to answer that question..."
"Do you have something to hide, young girl?"
"What? No, I don't."
"Okay, do you know where Ryleigh and her parents were when Madison was murdered?"
"I don't think so, I'm sorry."
"It's OK, do you know if Madison is involved in any dangerous activities?"
"Well, I don't know for sure, but she once mentioned that she saw her sister dealing drugs with some man..."
"All right, do you have any idea who this man is?"
"I'm afraid not..."
"Can you give us the names of Madison's friends? But only those close to her, please. "
"Sure, there's Jennifer, Andrew, Stephanie and Steven, they're her close friends."
"What about you?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, yes, I probably am too..."
"Okay, thank you Miss Everleigh, that's all I need at the moment, we need to interview her friends as well"
"Alright, what did the surgeons say, how do they think she was murdered?"
"Well, they found out that she was murdered using an injection of Pavulon."
"Oh...I...I feel so bad!"
"It's all right Miss Everleigh, it's not your fault."

Then he just hung up on me, the guy gives me the creeps... Well, I asked him to call me when he was doing these interviews with Madison's friends, I was dying to listen too.
I was immediately blown away by all the commotion today...
The next day dad made us get up early, when I looked at the time it was 6am, I got dressed, I also had a spare jacket with me in case I got cold, we drove in dad's car where me, Asher and Max sat in the back seat, we had our tents tied to the top of the car, we arrived in the woods in about twenty minutes, dad set up the boys tent while me and my mom struggled with ours.
"We're done!" Dad yelled.
"What, can you help us put this thing up?" Mom asked.
Dad helped us, and when we had our tents ready, Max suggested we explore the woods, Dad said we should wait until night to have a better experience... I didn't really like the idea of going there at night because I was scared, then mom said we should play one of the board games we had in the boot of the car and Asher went off to get the chess board,
"I don't know how to play this thing!" I said.
"Aw, little Ev doesn't know how to play chess?" Said Max, teasing me.
"Hey, Max, be polite!" Mom said to Max.
"It's okay, I'll teach her!" Said Dad.
Asher set up the game, and then Dad started explaining to me how to move each piece, which was admittedly confusing.
"The kinght always moves in an "L" shape,"Dad explained.
Once I knew all the rules, Dad and I played a test game and I did pretty well,
"No, Ev, the bishop, the bishop!" Shouted Asher.
"Crap! I didn't see that coming..." I yelled back.

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