Soukoku x undercover mission

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Double black, also known as soukoku. Is the deadliest duo in Yokohama to exist, they may appear hateful towards each other but their trust is something no one would ever be able to understand. Since the alliance between the port mafia and the armed detective agency double black where able to communicate once again. Both organisations had a mission to complete so they sent double black to take care of the job.


"Dazai, you need to wear this so we can hear you at all times. You're able to communicate through this device as well as being able to hear everything we say. Got it?" The blonde ex-math teacher explained.

"Yeah yeah, blah blah blah can we go already?" The brunette complained wanting to hurry this stupid mission already. The other agency member gave him a death glare before Yosano and Ranpo joined the other people within the room; that being Dazai, Kunikida, Atsushi and Kyoka. "Dazai, you look hot as fuck in that suit" Yosano points out placing her hands on her hips admiring the suit. "Why thank you! I know I'm hot but this makes me more hotter." Dazai complimented himself proudly.

"Don't be so confident, you'll only make yourself seem more self centered." Ranpo deadpanned, Yosano couldn't help but giggle. The brunette rolled his eyes brushing him off. "Who is Dazai-san's partner for the mission?" Atsushi asked unaware of most of the situation.

A knock came through the door before it got busted open by a ginger. "Hey detective agency!" He exclaimed walking in like he owned the place. A smaller figure with long black hair tied in a ponytail and a bandaged mask walked beside him. "Tachihara stop kicking down the doors." Another figure exclaimed, she looked as if she where in a horror movie. Before anyone could say anything a shorter ginger walked through the door with an old man.


"No way!"

"I'm not working with a Lorax wanna be!"

"Lorax wanna be?! I'll slam you to the ground you suicidal maniac!"

"Ah! Chibi! You wound me~"

"Kill yourself!"

"Already trying!"

"Shut up!" Yelled Kunikida trying to shut the two gay horny ass bitches up. The pair gave one last nasty glance towards each other before focusing their gaze towards him. "Can you two stop arguing?! We're trying to discus important matters here!" Kunikida shouted.

"Ah! My bad Kunikida-kun~" The bandaged man exclaimed, Hirostu cleared his throat clearly not wanting to be stuck in a room with the pair at each other throats once again. "As i was saying, you two will be attending this gathering to collect information about this person. All we know is she's trying to take over Yokohama and we all don't want that to happen. That's why Chuuya will be gathering information by getting close with her while Dazai gathers information from other attendees." The group all nodded.

"So we are here to attend a big fancy party so Chibi here can seduce a boss lady while I watch?"


Everyone ignored him and continued to discuss who would be staying and who would be backups. Eventually they all figured it out and began the under cover mission, Kunikida, Yosano and Ranpo are to stay back and listen through Dazai's earpiece. Meanwhile Tachihara, Hirostu and Gin listen through Chuuya's. Atsushi is backup aswell as Hirostu and Higuchi their get away car.


The pair walks into the ballroom, the brunette looks around. "Eh, not as big as the last undercover mission. Remember that Chuuya~" he teases poking his shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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