Chapter 3: First Period

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Notes; The tables are set out in squares, so 4 people per table in lessons like mathematics, history, and geography.

Scott's POV

Why did I say that. I mean, it was funny to see the look on her face when I said that. Man. Registration is going to be fun this year! Courtney, huh. It's a memorable name, I gotta say.

I'd wear my bag over my shoulder as I stood outside my first lesson. Mathematics. How fun. I had to walk all the way up to the third floor to get here. Why are the stairs so tiring. I get more exercise done back at the farm, but the stairs seem to tire me out. How are they more tiring! It's stairs.

I would lean against the wall when I saw a familiar face.

"Hey! Sam. Hey man."

I'd smile as I walked up to him. I mean, yeah, Sam and I never actually got on. Well, he thinks we do, but he's slightly annoying. He just goes on and on about video games, but he's the only person here I actually know.

"Oh, hey Scott! How are you doing?"

He'd smile at me, I saw him put whatever he was playing away. I knew I was gonna regret asking this later, but I just wanted to keep the conversation going.

"What were you playing?"

"Oh! I was playing Donkey Kong on my game boy. The original one. From 1981!"

"Uh-huh.. What lesson do you have now? I have math with, uh.. Ms Lee."

"I have IT with Mr Thomas. Good luck with math. Cya Scott!"

Before I could tell him bye back, he had already left, making his way down the corridor. Jesus. It's always that Donkey Kong game that he plays. I should've known.

I'd shrug, leaning back against the wall. As I did so, I heard the teacher open the classroom door and call us inside. I stayed leaning against the wall for a moment before sighing and walking inside.

This will be fun. I'm totally not shit at maths. 100%. Definitely. I can get through this lesson. I can- probably. I can probably get through this lesson.

I'd wait for Ms Lee to go through the seats, pointing at the specific seat as she called out names. When she said my name, I walked over and sat down, throwing my bag under my table. I know I should be more careful with my bag. It's the only one that isn't muddy from the farm. But to be honest, I honestly don't care what bag I have. My mom does. She wants me to have a 'good' first impression to this school. Pathetic. It's only a bag.

I'd think quietly to myself, listening to myself rant in my head. Until I heard the teacher point to the seat beside me and say-

"Courtney. You are sat here."

I found myself smiling. I honestly had no clue why. Probably because I knew I could annoy her throughout the lesson. Just like I do everyone else.

Most people don't like the thought of everyone being annoyed by them, but I find it entertaining. I mean, it's amusing! It's fun.

I'd snap out my thoughts when I heard Courtney pull her seat out, placing her bag under the table before sitting down.

"Nice to see you again, Court."

I'd smile.

Courtney's POV

I could feel my face grimace in annoyance and also because I really, really don't like him.

"Good morning, Scott."

I'd cross my legs over. It couldn't get worse than this. It couldn't. I mean, it physically can not get worse than this. Like, there's no way it could get worse than this.

I'd immediately regret thinking that it couldn't get worse because it could, and it just did.

"Duncan. There."

She'd point to the seat in front of me. I actually can not stay on this table. I'll actually walk out.

I'd take a breath before taking my pens out. It'll be alright. Just don't focus on him. Focus on your grades.

"Hey there, Princess. What are ya doing?"

I didn't even need to look up to know he was smirking. I don't know what he was even smirking about. It was stupid. He was stupid. I didn't even try to hide my frown. God. I don't know who's more annoying. Scott, or Duncan. Tough choice.

I'd open my mouth to speak, but Scott cut me off.

"Oi. What's up with your green hair. It's really irritating me. Who let's their kid dye their hair that colour."

"And who let's their kid stay ginger? And I wasn't allowed to, but I did it anyway. Obviously. I'm Duncan."

"Hm. Cool. I'm Scott."

I'd groan slightly. Great. They are friend-ish. How joyful. This'll be quite fun.

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