Chapter 4: First Period P.2

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Notes; There is a fourth person on their table, but they aren't in so 🤷‍♀️

Scott's POV

God. I actually hate this green headed guy. Why did he call Courtney 'princess'. That's a weird nickname, even if it does kinda suit her- What. Never mind. I'm going to ignore that.

I'd smile at him, but if anyone on the table knew me, they'd know it wasn't a genuine smile. But they don't! I might enjoy maths for once.

I'd pick up the pen Courtney gave to me in registration. It was pink. I don't exactly suit pink, but a pen is a pen. Ain't like I'm going to throw a tantrum. I'm not six years old.

As I wrote the date and the title in my math book, I glanced over towards Courtney. I have no clue why I even bothered to speak to her, but I did.

"..Are you alright there? You seem, uhhm.. Annoyed. Yeah. I'll go with annoyed."

She would look at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, obviously, I am annoyed. I'm sat on a table with-"

"She's upset that she's stuck on a table with me, Scott. That's why. Little princess can't handle tha-"

I'd frown slightly when Duncan cut her off, so I'd cut him off back.

"I was asking Courtney. Not you. Bozo."

I'd snicker to myself slightly.

Courtney's POV

I'd raise my eyebrows at Scott. That response caught me off guard. I mean, he just called Duncan a bozo. I honestly can't lie. He had it coming, and I'm glad someone finally did it, but I thought he was friend-ish with him. Like I was with Gwen. I've never been wrong before. I don't actually like it.

"Oh- Oh. Well, I am annoyed because I'm stuck on a table with him and you."

I'd look back to my work and continued to work. I heard Scott snickering before, but I ignored it. It's not my problem. What was my problem, though, was Duncan.

He kept calling me Princess throughout the entire lesson. Repeatedly. Time after time. I really really want to scream at him to shut up.

I kinda regret not telling him not to shut up. It would've definitely brightened my day by a lot. But still, I'd rather stay out of trouble.

As the lesson came to the end, I'd grab by bag and stand up. I saw Scott do the same. I'd roll my eyes slightly. I don't know what it was, but something about him just- I don't know. Something about him makes me roll my eyes, I guess.

"Awh, Princess, you're cute when you roll your eyes."

I'd look at Duncan, glaring at him when he spoke. He needs to stop calling me that. I hate it.

"Don't call me that, Duncan. I swear to-"

"Awh, or what, Princess? What are you going to do. Tell me!"

I'd watch him smirk. I hated it. I knew I couldn't do anything. I had to keep myself out of trouble.

Scott's POV

"Awh, or what, Princess? What are you going to do. Tell me!"

I'd roll my eyes as he spoke. He was getting on my nerves. If she- If someone said to not call them something, then you stop. Who does this guy think he is.

"Oi, shut up already, will you? You're actually really irritating me."

I'd blurt that out before I could stop myself. I wasn't that bothered. He had it coming, but he seemed slightly bothered by it.

"What did you just say."

I'd watch him stand up, and he furrowed his brows, glaring at me. I'd quickly glance at Courtney. She seemed slightly caught off guard by what was happening, but, oh well.

I'd look back at Duncan and open my mouth to say something when Courtney spoke up.

"How about we just don't do this. Yeah?"

I'd go to nod my head in agreement, but then the green headed Duncan began to run his mouth once more.

"No, Princess. I want to know what he said to me."

I'd shot a glare at him before opening my mouth and speaking.

"I said shut up already, will ya. You're actually really irritating me. Okay?"

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