four. who's heracles?

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— who's heracles?

They finally stopped in a room full of waterfalls

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They finally stopped in a room full of waterfalls. The floor was one big pit, ringed by a slippery stone walkway. On all four walls, water tumbled from huge pipes. The water spilled down into the pit, and even when Percy shined his light, no one could see the bottom.

From twenty feet away, the smell of death practically punched Rory in the face — the unfortunately familiar scent that she had first encountered down in the Underworld on their first quest. The only thing keeping her from falling to her knees and retching again was Percy keeping her upright. Instead, her head lulled forwards and she covered her mouth as she gagged.

Briares slumped against the wall. He scooped up water in a dozen hands and washed his face. "This pit goes straight to Tartarus," he murmured. "I should jump in and save you trouble."

"Don't talk that way," Annabeth told him. "You can come back to camp with us. You can help us prepare. You know more about fighting Titans than anybody."

"I have nothing to offer," Briares said. "I have lost everything."

"What about your brothers?" Tyson asked. "The other two must stand tall as mountains! We can take you to them."

Briares' expression morphed to something even sadder: his grieving face. "They are no more. They faded."

The waterfalls thundered. Tyson stared into the pit and blinked tears out of his eye.

"What exactly do you mean, they faded?" Percy asked. "I thought monsters were immortal, like the gods."

"Percy," Grover said weakly, "even immortality has limits. Sometimes...sometimes monsters get forgotten and they lose their will to stay immortal."

Looking at Grover's face, it was clear he was thinking of Pan. On their first quest Medusa had told them how her sisters, the other two gorgons, had passed on and left her alone. Then last year Apollo mentioned the old god Helios disappearing and leaving him with the duties of the sun god. For years, Rory had considered immortality by joining the Hunt, but now, looking at Briares, it seemed terrible to be so old — thousands and thousands of years old — and totally alone.

"I must go," Briares said.

"Kronos' army will invade camp," Tyson said. "We need help."

Briares hung his head. "I cannot, Cyclops."

"You are strong."

"Not anymore." Briares rose.

"Hey." Percy adjusted Rory to lean on Annabeth, and then grabbed one of Briares' arms and pulled him aside, where the roar of the water would hide their words.

Rory leaned her head against Annabeth's, her eyes fluttering shut.

"You shouldn't have done that," Annabeth said. "You shouldn't have used your powers. We need you strong."

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