The meeting

22 3 0

Jays pov

It had been two days since the note and I was grabbing my jacket and trying to put my shoes on at the same time. While trying not to fall in the process.

(I failed)

"Ow" I muttered as I got up from the floor. Soon enough it was time to go, I made sure my mom and dad weren't looking and stuffed my bed with pillows to make it seem like I was sleeping. The quickly and quietly I slipped out the door and into the nighttime darkness.

As I walked down the street to the antique shop I went over what kind of job it was and if I was getting myself kidnapped. When I finally got to the antique shop i nocked on the door and peeked inside, nothing. "Hello?" I asked. No response, so I pushed the door open and let myself inside. I walked through the store a little creeped out by all the dolls and broken toys. "Hello there!" Came a friendly voice, I whipped around and stared at the person behind me "woah woah hey slow down I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm atlas, your here for the job right?" He asked me smiling "oh, yeah I am. What's the job anyway?" I asked "you'll see soon enough!" He said grinning as he motioned me to follow him. I followed him to a large room at the back of the shop. It had some chairs and a table, "sit will you?" He asked smiling kindly "thanks" I said sitting down. "Now about the job, just promise me you won't freak out?" "Why would I freak out?" "Just answer these questions ok?" "Uhh.. sure" "ok perfect! Are you scared of blood?" "Um... no" "good good, now. Just how far would you go for money?" He asked

"The money isn't for me, it's for my parents and it would really help them so... I guess I would go pretty far" I responded confused why he was asking that. "Very good! Now, the job is... being an assassin"

"ASSASSIN?!!" I said "you promised not to freak out" Atlas said "good point" "now of course you don't have to do this at all. You can go home and get another job im not holding you prisoner" "i... well I do need to help my parents and no other job wants me..." I sighed the looked back up at him "I want the job" "perfect! Now don't worry we only kill criminals and other bad guys so you won't be hurting innocent people" he said smiling. I smiled back relieved I wasn't about to become a monster.

"Of course you'll have to go through training, that'll take some time but I'm sure you'll make an incredible assassin. You'll also need a code name" he tapped his chin and thought "can... can it be lighting?" I asked softly "lightning! That's wonderful! Yes yes I do think it suits you! Well we must be going now" he said standing up "going where?" "To the assassin base of course! Oh before I forget here" he said tossing me a dagger that had a moon engraved on it. "Every assassin has one, hopefully it'll do you good" he said smiling

"I think it will"


Hope you like this new story! If you haven't read shockwave already you probably should. But if not then that's fine!



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