The assassin's

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Jays pov

As I followed Atlas I thought about everything that just happened, the assassins, the money I could make to help my parents, if I was gonna become some crazy serial killer. I nervously walked behind Atlas trying to keep a Normal pase, we reached another room, nicely lit. I looked around and saw two other teenagers standing in the room. On was a girl she looked about my age, she had long white hair with sharp black eyes. She looked at me for a moment before giving me a small smile. I gave her a small grin and turned to the other teenager. He looked a year older than me with dark brown hair and olive green eyes, his gaze was scary yet determined. He gave me a nod and I sent one back.

"Now Lightning, this is Artemis. She will be on your same team since you are the same age. And this" he said gesturing to the other boy "is hydro, he will be in a different group but will be around for extra missions. Any questions?" He said with a smile "um yes I have on" Artemis said "go on then" Atlas answered "what did you mean by groups?"

"Ah yes yes, group's! Each group is from different ages to different skills. You could get moved up from your age group to an older one if  have the skills, im sure you will make wonderful protectors for our city. Now, every time we need you we will call. So you know it's us we will use your code names, details will be given on the phone" he gave me a smile "that is all, now! Let's get your training ready!"

We followed him to an elevator, as the door closed behind us he punched in 231223 then the elevator began to descend. I watched as Artemis gazed at Hydro. His gaze never softened or showed weakness, after a second the doors opened revealing a large room, it was filled with people walking around, everyone had a dagger strapped onto their belt. The dagger had a moon engraved on it, "will we get a dagger like that?" I asked "indeed you will!" Atlas said chuckling. He walked over to a man with black hair and a death stare. "I would like you to meet my little brother William! Don't worry about him he has a bark but no bite" he smiles at William as he gives him a bear hug "Atlas, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me little" he said glaring at Atlas "oh shush! We have new assassins! Don't be mean in front of them" Atlas scolded

Artemis smiled and waved at William, hydro gave a weak smile I just shook his hand. Something about this guy didn't settle well with me. As Atlas took us to the training grounds I could feel Williams glare follow me. I shivered and ran to catch up with the others. Artemis and me struck up a conversation, we even got Hydro to talk. He's actually pretty nice when you get to know him. We talked about why we joined the assassins

Turns out Artemis had family in the assassins and wanted to carry on the legacy, Hydro's parents we're killed when he was a child and decided to get justice for everyone else that had to suffer. Artemis smiled when I told them about why I joined, Hydro put a hand on my shoulder and muttered that I was doing a good thing. After a while Atlas stopped us and smiled.

"Welcome to the training grounds!"

The "training grounds" were huge! Punching bags and all sort of Ramos and ropes were scattered everywhere. Making the place look like an obstacle course. "Listen up fellas! You start at that ramp, run down avoid the dummy's swing through the ropes and finally make it to the top of that final ramp" he said pointing to where we had to go "all that?!" Artemis said gaping "I tried talking William into making it easier but you know how he is. Sticks to his plans till death, kinda sad if you think about it"
Atlas said sighing "I think I might break my arm if I try that" I said nervously. But hydro walked up to the ramp and without another word dragged me and Artemis to the top of it, as we both struggled he kept muttering "get your butts over here"

Hydro went first, I swear that guys was like a professional in training. He was strong and fast, his movements were hard and harsh. The only part he had trouble with was the last ramp. He couldn't make it. Artemis went next, she was faster than Hydro and her movements were quick and sharp. He ran Gracefully and nearly made it to the ramp. I was up next, I gave myself a little pep talk before going "you can do this you can do this, please be able to do this" I ran down as fast as I could avoiding the dummies as the swung wildly at me. Then came the ropes, I twisted and turned around. Nearly falling a couple of times, finally the ramp was coming up. I ran even faster and jumped as I reached my hand out just barely grabbing it. I held on for dear life as I tried with all my might to pull myself up, I could hear Artemis and Hydro rooting for me. I put one hand up but before I could pull myself up, my hand slipped and I toppled over. I could hear Artemis scream. Then I felt someone catch me "can't have ya dying on us so soon" said a voice from behind me "yeah..." I said grinning, Atlas smiled as he put me down. "Come on, let's go first with the easy stuff, don't tell William though, he might kill me" Atlas said laughing.

William, a name I would learn to despise.

Andddd done!

Hope you like this chapter!



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