Ariana's Secret(Sample)

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I watch via my laptop in aloof boredom as my husband takes another woman into our bedroom. I record the encounter for future reference and wait for the anger and pain to surface but all I continue to feel is numb. In spite of what's unfolding before my eyes I don't think Monty is a bad guy. In fact I see what other women see. A gorgeous successful black man with an amazing body, dark chocolate skin, and light brown eyes.

I recall how Monty and I were once friends before getting married. We never loved each other but we did like each other. He was the one person who listened when I spoke of my childhood trauma. How I was emotionally neglected in favor of my sister. I tolerated him because he solely focused on me and my needs in the beginning. In return I supported his business. Procured all the social media exposure he needed to get his workout company off the ground. I even convinced my father to invest in him. I'm not blind I know Monty used me just to further his business endeavors.

Sometimes I wish I could be as stupidly happy as my sister. Even she managed to find a good man. Granted said man is ugly and scarred but who's judging. I sigh and lean back in the chair, closing the laptop.

Today I'm wearing my peach flared sleeve dress and a matching large brim sun hat. You know your Sunday's best type outfit. Our mother instilled in us to always look good no matter what day it was. I take a sip of my tea and gaze up into a pair of stunning blue eyes. The man stares longer than what's socially acceptable. So I stare back. He's wearing khakis with a blue button down. Sunny blond hair is thick touching just above his shoulders. His shirt is tight enough to get a view of his muscles beneath.

He approaches, moving with animalistic grace.

"Would you like some company, miss?" His baritone was much deeper than I would have expected.

I gestured to the chair. "By all means, please." I was bored so why not. He sat down- his movements fluid as he placed a napkin upon his lap. He gesture to a waiter and ordered tea and crepes. His gaze becomes intense, exploring my features with hungry anticipation. A pleasurable shiver ran down my spine. My thighs clenched together and heart rate sped up. The hairs on my neck stand and cackle. Despite his conventional appearance, an undercurrent of wildness and danger emanates from him. It excited me.

I've never had this sort of reaction to a man before. Is this what real attraction feels like? "I'm Alexander." He extended one big hand. I felt a sharp zing travel up my arm as we shook hands. I knew he felt it to. His pupils dilated. "And you are?"

"Ariana Chapman," I respond making sure to slather my voice with extra honey.

"So... why are you alone? Shouldn't a beautiful woman like yourself be in the company of friends?" He leans to the side rubbing one long elegant finger along a full bottom lip. The strangest thought crossed my mind. I wanted to kiss those full lips.

He was absolutely right I usually am in the company of friends. Not today though. I raise an eyebrow. "So... do you always openly stare at strangers before boldly approaching?"

"If she's beautiful and seems interested by all means." People think attraction stimulates solely on the way a person looks. Not quite. There's usually something about the person, something that lurks beneath their skin that calls to you. Draws you in like bait. "Are you happy?" He nods towards my wedding ring.

I shrug. "Its just business."

My company chuckles. "The answer is no."

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