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Red has been a pretty color in all times. But of course there's different tones of red, like : Bright red, Dark red ,Cherry red.
And there is not a big much of a difference between bright red and dark red. But thinking smartly enough they do have differences. Not that one is brighter and the other one is darker. For example:
Bright red: Bright red gives a feeling of tension, madness and aggressive love.
Dark red: However dark red gives a vibe of coziness, happiness and harmony.
So that means that appearances lie, because bright colours are usually more of a warm and happy color and dark ones are more of a dark tone and a depressive color, but actually bright red and dark red are the opposite ,so it shows how people can look so fun and trustworthy because of their looks ,but inside them they are a total chaos and not trustworthy at all.
157 words
Thx <333

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