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2023 a new year when we all do the same every day . I'm not saying that 2014 was better but old times are always better, even if we been through a lot, it's crazy how times can change. 2014 we didn't had so much problems that causes suicide, selfharm, depression and other mental illnesses. Now we've got so much body shaming, bullying, cyber bullying, suicide attempts, eating disorders, we have even more ,but is it really that bad, do we really live that hard? We've got new technology, better security, new cures. 2021-2023 aren't that bad because we all suffered the same shi in The past all that has changed is the help we get these days and that people are not scared to talk about their mental illnesses and other types of things, but do we realise that a lot of people do this because they want attention, don't get me wrong ,but we changed only because people think they have a problem that nobody else has, some people just like to share about it in the internet and other people just learn about it like starving yourself and they start doing it so they could feel bad about themselves, we are f^cked up and we need to fix it before it's to late ,just go to a psychologist or therapist, but don't over share about it.
-Unpopular opinion

Relatable shi | English Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora