Part 2: Innocence Lost

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(I will like to warn my readers and audience that this part will contain some very gruesome details and very disturbing lines.)

Meeting The Mikelson Family

It was a oddly quick venture to the building. "And my dear, please call me Klaus." Well that is definitely better than the other. We arrive at the building. A few women and men walk out, greeting Klaus and I. "This is my family Isabelle."


As he walks to his brothers and sisters. "Don't be shy dear. We are actually very nice people." I walk towards Klaus and his family. "Isabelle, these are my brothers Elijah and Kol. Elijah is the noble one of the family. He wears suits all the time. Kol is more light spirited. He is his own kind of person." Kol and Elijah walk towards me. "So you're the young lass Klaus has mentioned highly of." Kol spoke. He reaches out for my hand and kisses the top of my hand gently. Elijah then comes toward me and does the same. "Pleasure is all mine Miss Isabelle." ... "Please, just call me Izzy." Then Klaus motions me to his other siblings. "These are my sisters Rebekah and Freya. Rebekah, don't piss her off and you two won't have any issues. Freya is the witch of the family." Rebekah rolls her eyes at Klaus, I hide a smirk. "Nice to meet you Isabelle. I hear you're a hybrid just like our darling Nik here." Apparently, Rebekah calls Klaus Nik. Freya walks towards me. "If it wasn't for me, my brother wouldn't have found you in the first place. I told him there was a young lonesome girl in the woods by herself." So that explains why he showed up randomly unannounced. "The woods are just behind my parents' house.. I like to walk through there a lot." Then two others walk out. "Finally, I'd like you to meet Marcel Gerard and my daughter, Hope." I immediately placed everything together. Klaus must have seen me as his own daughter. "Hey there." Marcel says. "You're a rare case I'd say. Hope here, she has been keeping tabs on you for a few days now." Klaus's daughter has been keeping tabs on me? That explains a lot.

"So. What brings you to Lycanville?" I was genuinely curious to know.

Klaus speaks firmly. "My dear, when we heard there was a another hybrid living, we knew we needed to bring that hybrid back to New Orleans with us." No need to say more, I will pack my shit now! HAHA ...

"Never say more, when are we leaving?" They all looked at me with shock. "Wait. You actually want to come to New Orleans with us?" Hope asks me, questioning why I immediately agreed to leaving. "Of course. I have never been there before! Plus, it will get me out of marrying this pompous ass from a rival wolf pack that my mom expects me to marry." They all were shocked at my words. Klaus then asks me. "My dear, how old are you? Surely you're too young for such a responsibility." He is right! I am too young. "I am only 14 going on 15. I agree! I am very much too young for marriage. I want to actually get an education. Try to coexist with mundane kind." Klaus puts his hand on my shoulder and looks into my eyes. "My dear, you can do whatever your heart desires. We leave for New Orleans in two days. We have a huge home there in the French Quarter, you're more than welcome to come and stay with us." Invitation to stay at the Mikelson Mansion? YES PLEASE! I could never pass that up!

"I will gladly go with you all. But there is one issue with that." I tell Klaus and his family.

Elijah cuts in. "What is the issue miss?" Then, Klaus chimes in. "Isabelle. What wrong?"

"I will have to tell my parents. But first I need to disown my place as upcoming Alpha."..."I know, My life was pretty much planned when I was born."

Klaus pulls me aside to speak to me privately. "My dear. I do not plan things for my daughter. Hope actually attends a boarding school in Mystic Falls. She did get herself in some trouble so she is not in school for the time being. We can help you thrive to become whatever you choose my dear." Before I could even respond, Klaus hugs me. This family clearly understands me unlike my own. "How do I even leave though?" Klaus looks at me, then says. "You only have your werewolf side right now. If you ever choose to activate your vampire side, I will teach you a little something called mind compulsion." Sounds tempting. "Are you going to compel them?" I asked Klaus. "I have an idea." Klaus says.

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