Part 3: My New Journey

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(Isabelle adapts to New Orleans life giving what she has been through. Days go by, Isabelle figures out what she wants to do in her future.)

The Journey To New Orleans

It was an extremely exhausting ride to New Orleans. Hope and I were passed out in the back seat while Klaus was driving full speed to New Orleans. If I wouldn't have been approached by Hope and Klaus, who knows how long I would have been laying in the woods. Hope and I barely knew each other and yet we seemed to have grown close. I guess you could say Hope and I clicked right away. I guess it may be because we are close in age or our losses in life. I don't know. All of a sudden something wakes Hope and I up from our sleep during the ride to New Orleans. Hope and I look each other in the eyes, then we gaze towards the front of the vehicle where her dad is.

"Dad? Everything okay?" Hope asked her dad with concern in her voice.

Klaus looks back at us. "Everything is fine. We need to make a quick stop before home. We still have 2 hours until New Orleans." He wasn't wrong. It is about a 5 hour drive from Lycanville to New Orleans, give or take traffic.

"Just making sure." Hope and I went back to sleep. I should mention I have insomnia and sleeping disorders. I don't know why but when I am in a moving vehicle, I pass the fuck out. When I am in a room with a bed, I am up for hours upon end. We end up making a stop at this building, old plantation house maybe? "I won't be long girls. 3 minutes max."

While Hope and I await Klaus to return to the vehicle, her and I were just talking. "So, Hope. Do you have plans for your future?"

She sat there and thought to herself for a moment. "Honestly, Isabelle, I really haven't given much thought about it."

"My parents were wanting me to promise myself to this pompous ass Alpha from a rival wolf pack." Hope seen in my eyes I had other plans. "You have other plans I see." Yes ma'am indeed.

"Absolutely!" ... "I want to change things for beings like me, not make us fear others! I want to make a difference!" Hope nodded in agreement. Next thing you know, her dad is back. "Alright. Let's go!" Where did he run off to? He was back in 3 minutes like he said he would, but its eerie. I must say, New Orleans might be a good thing for me. The vehicle began rolling and Hope and I were passed out again. We had hit some rough roads until we hit the New Orleans territory. Hope and I awaken from our nap. "Where are we?" I asked. Confused as to where we are. Klaus looks back at me. "Isabelle. Welcome to New Orleans. Your new home." Hopefully it will become my new home.

Settled In/ Exploring My Interests

Hope helped me get situated and settled into her bedroom. I don't mind sharing a room honestly, I like the company. I take a look around her room, I notice paintings and art materials in one area of her room. "You paint?" I asked Hope as she was setting up her desk for me to use while she is in Mystic Falls again. "I do paint. I gained that trait from my dad." She takes pride in her work, just as she mentions her dad's work too. "You're very talented. I am actually more of a writer." Hope is actually the first person I've ever told that to. "That's nice, anything in particular?" She must be curious of what I write about. "Honestly, whatever my mind pops out." Truth be told... That is how it happens with me. "Hey Hope." She stops what she is doing and comes to me. "What's up?" Eager to get out and see what there is to do around here, I had to ask her. "What all is there to do around here?" Hope smirks a little, but then it fades away. "There really isn't anything to do around here Isabelle." Okay I need to let all of them know that I actually prefer Izzy over Isabelle. "Hope. I would appreciate if you guys started calling me Izzy. I am not much of the formal type." She understood.

Hope and I go out and explore the city of New Orleans at night. I am just taken away by the city's lights and festivities. "You guys didn't tell me this city was this gorgeous at night." I was absolutely excited. My old town wasn't fun like this. I needed this. I really needed this. "Get used to it. Because this is your new home for a while Izzy." Tomorrow, I am heading out to explore. May go to the Bayou for a bit to look around. But mainly, I want to make my mark here in New Orleans.

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