Part 4: The Ultimate Decision

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It has been weeks since I found out I have cancer in my blood. That explains the constant exhaustion. I have made up my decision. Instead of allow it to destroy my from within, I decided to accept my true nature as a hybrid. This is who I am. I know Klaus is worried I may turn my humanity off after I turn, but I know I can do this. Hope, Elijah, Marcel, Rebekah, Kol, Davina and Hayley are unaware of the cancer diagnosis. Only Klaus and Freya are aware of it. Klaus and I decided to have a big dinner with the family, basically as a way of me saying I will be back soon. Klaus doesn't like the idea of me dying early on in my life, but he knows I need to do what I need to do. Only a couple hours before I arrive to my death, I will announce my plans to the family giving this is my decision to die and come back a true hybrid. Hope keeps asking me again and again of why I requested the family to be together tonight, I keep telling her the same answer, "Hope, I have mention 5 times now, I will tell you at dinner. It is easier to tell everyone at one time vs each person at different times."

"Izzy! Why is it a secret though? We used to tell each other everything! What changed?" I see Hope wouldn't let this go, so I had to leave her a hint.

"I'm making a life changing choice tonight!" I am praying Hope accepts that answer. And luckily, she did. I must have lost track of time because Klaus called for Hope and I downstairs. Klaus pulls me to the side to talk to me privately real quick before we all sat down. "Isabelle. Are you sure this is what you want to do?" I could tell Klaus was torn up, he actually sees me as his second daughter. "Klaus, if I don't do this now, the cancer will just kill me later on in life." He tears up, which makes me tear up. "Let's get going, we don't need to be tearing up right now. Let this be a night for celebration, instead of saying goodbye." He was right. I didn't want anyone upset when I die, instead, I want them to be happy I made the decision sooner than later. Klaus and I walked into the main hall, everyone else was sitting down.

"I know you all are wondering why I requested us all to be together tonight. About a month ago, I discovered I had cancer in my blood stream. It explains why I have had sudden exhaustion over the past few weeks. I had to make a life changing decision one way or another. I apologize I have kept this away from you all, but that brings me to what I will also tell you all." Hope started tearing up, it broke her on the inside. "I know some may not agree with the choice I made, but I know if I would've made a different choice, the cancer would've killed me down the road. I decided to accept my true nature as a hybrid and die at midnight tonight. Please, I don't want any tears, I know its sad, but its about time I accept being a hybrid now instead of years from now."

I can tell they all were torn up by the fact that I had an illness this early on in my life. Klaus and Hope stood by my side. The others were upset but they knew this is what needed to be done. Davina came up to me and pulled me aside. "Freya told me about it. I made this mixture a few hours ago. It will actually bring you back quicker than a day. I advise drinking it before you do whatever to take your life away at midnight. Although, I don't agree with the choice, I know you will be free of the illness." I hugged Davina, I had taken the potion and went up to mine and Hope's room, where Hope and Klaus waited for me.

"You two should head back downstairs." But, I know that wouldn't happen. "Isabelle, my daughter and I will be by your side the whole time, however long it takes." I turn the vial bottoms up, foul tasting but I guess potions are not supposed to taste pleasant. I lay down in my bed, Klaus on one side of me with his arm around me and Hope on the other side of me, she placed her hand on my chest, suddenly, everything went dark.


*Moments later* I had gasped awake. It had taken me a couple minutes to adjust my eyes. Klaus and Hope were still at my sides when I had awakened. "Damn! Davina wasn't lying! That stuff really made it fast, didn't it?" Klaus looked at me. "You were only gone for 5 minutes." Five minutes! That was really fast then. There was something different. My hearing is 10x better, I am moving faster, I am not exhausted... "Now Izzy. Your emotions will be heightened for a while. It will take time to get used to." I need blood. To complete the transition, I need blood. Human blood. "I'm thirsty." ... "When do we go hunting?" We all started laughing. "Dad and I already had that taken care of." Next thing I know, Klaus hands me blood bag. "Drink up love, you need all the strength you can get." I take a sip. Suddenly, I feel tingly, stronger, faster.

"How do you feel, Isabelle?" Klaus looked at me. Honestly, I feel more alive than before I jump started the vampire side. "I feel alive. I feel more alive now than when I was just a werewolf." I feel like I can do more. I can move more freely. Isabelle Kyer did die, but Izzy Mikelson was born!

Days went by, Klaus actually ended up adopting me as his second daughter. I will be attending the Salvatore boarding school in Mystic Falls, Virginia with Hope in the spring. I couldn't be happier. Yes, I may have become a hybrid, but I did it on my own terms, I made this choice on my own. Let me ask you this. Do you want to choose your own path, or be forced into a path someone chooses for you? I personally prefer choosing my own path, making my own choices. Mistakes will be made, indeed. But learning from those mistakes is what builds us. This is Izzy Mikelson and this was my story. See ya later!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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