| chapter three |

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I went straight to my locker before class. I lost Chloe a while back. Shes popular with the guys so I told her I'd just meet her in class. I grabbed my history book and my pencil case.

I started walking to my first class until I felt a shoulder bump mine. Everything fell out of my hands.

"Shit I'm sorry."

I was about to bend down to grab my stuff but he beat me to it.

I watched him stand, our eyes staring into each other.

"I'm so sorry. I should watch where I'm going next time." I said taking my stuff from him.

"No that was my fault too." He said.

"Are you new? I've never seen you around?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm Adrian! And you are?" He replied with a smile.

"I'm isabelle, my friends call me isa! Maybe I can show you around?" I smiled back.

"That'd be awesome!" He said with his smile growing bigger.

"What class do you have first?" I ask.

"History." He said.

"Me too! I can walk with you, if you want?" I suggested.

"Yeah that'd be great!" He smiled.

I smiled back leading him to class.

While I was talking to Adrian, I felt a bare of cold eyes death staring me.

I walked past Blake, he was in a group with Jayden and their friends. I look back for a second seeing him basically looking into my soul ignoring anything his friends were saying. Did Blake care? I shook it off and continued talking with Adrian.


I walk into class with Adrian seeing my open seat next to Chloe.

"I'm sorry to leave you but I'm gonna go sit over there." I smiled pointing to Chloe.

"No it's okay! Thank you for helping me." He replied walking to a seat.

I placed myself in the seat next to Chloe.

"Isa! Who's that?'" she smirked.

"That's Adrian! He super sweet!" I exclaimed.

"What did Blake have to say about this Adrian kid?" She nudged my shoulder.

"Chloe, there's nothing between me and Blake and there never will be." I rolled my eyes.

She shrugged with a smile before the teacher watched in.

I hate that I love youOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz