Chapter 4:Skipping Beats

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After a few good few stretches in, Ethan got up and walked out of his room. He was determined to win over Leon, in his own way. He was decent at playing Guitar on Rock Band whenever he was either with himself or Streber, so he had confidence within his abilities.

When Ethan saw Leon, his heart was bumping like a drum. Leon's smile radiated when Ethan came into the room. To see each other again made them both happy,

"Hey Ethan!" Leon said happily.

"H-Hey Leon."

Ethan was still a bit shy but he was able to ease himself up to Leon.

"Alright!" Streber exclaimed after grabbing a drink. "So since we have one vocal and there's 3 of us, how about we make a setlist and put our favorite songs that we want to sing?"

Leon agreed. "Sure! I'm not sure if I'll be good, but it's worth a try.

"Sweet! How about you Ethan?" Streber inquired.

"Oh! U-um sure! I wanna be last though." Ethan was reluctant about singing. Especially in front of people. But sometimes you have get yourself out of your comfort zone. He wanted to entice Leon a bit while also having fun so, he grabbed the guitar controller and everyone started picking their songs.


The first song was "Pretend We're Dead." Streber was on Vocals while Leon was on drums. It was a good song to get ease song to ease everyone in.

But it wasn't till the 2nd song that things started to Amp up. While Ethan was switching to drums, Leon went to go and get a drink of water. He eyes batted by the cookies that walked past him. Now was his chance.

"Hey guys! After we're done, do you guys want to have some cookies?"

Streber's eyes lit up. "Of Course! Those cookies look so yummy... Must fight the urge."

"Oh! You brought cookies Leon?" The Older bat questioned

"Yeah! Sorry that I didn't bring that up earlier."

"It's all good. I'll have some later. You ready to sing?"

"It's a little nerve wracking to be honest, but yeah I'm ready!"

Ethan understood that. Hell, he HAS been feeling nervous this whole time. But he shook that thought off as the song was about to start.

Streber started playing the guitar riff and that's when it happened.

The note that Leon sang.

His voice made him have butterflies in his stomach! It sounded so cool and smooth, almost it was like it was his song. Thank goodness he was in the back to hide his blushing. He continued playing the song until the end.

"Leon you adorable man" Ethan thought to himself

You just keep stealing my heart...

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