Part 1: The First Meeting

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It's a typical day in the Kame Yu department store. You've worked at the department store for about a few months now, with grace and easiness. As always, you switched a few words with your coworkers, but once coworker stood out to you, Kira Yoshikage. You've been friends with him since you started working. He's 5'8 with blonde laidback-like hair, paired with two dark blue eyes. Combined with a Valentino suit and a nice pair of lips. Not to mention his soft skin, especially when it comes down to his hands. A dream man in everyone's eyes, especially yours. You've eventually got to know him better and one thing led to another: You guys have conversations everyday and formed a great friendship. On one sudden day, Kira walks over to you and looks at you with a faint frown.

"How are you Y/N?"

"Im doing good. What about you, Kira?"

The blond man smiles a little more.

"Im doing alright. I have some work for you, it's what the boss wants. I did the half for you."

You smile brightly and blush a tad bit.

"Thanks. You're really nice, you know."

Kira grins a little.

"Only because of you.", he says, with a small flirtatious tone. You chuckle and say goodbye to the small talk you two made. You went to the next aisle where you're supposed to work, before your coworker from before steps behind you...

"Y/N. Wrong aisle. I'll help ya."

You jump a little, since it scared you. You turn around and nod. As you both went to the right aisle, you had more small talk. You discussed your favorite movies, singers, etc. Right when you both arrived at the aisle, he turns around to look at you.

"Wanna go back to my place today after work? Nothing weird, just a little convo and all of that."

There you had a decision: do you say yes, or decline his humble offer? It's a man you've known for a day now, but so far he hasn't shown you any creepiness or anything. Just kindness. You reluctantly say of course and as you work on the aisle, you notice

Something wasn't right.

"Shake it off," you say to yourself, but deep down inside you feel off. Something isn't right about him...
"It's nothing.", you tell yourself once again. You finally shake it off and just go on with your day.

A few hours later, you're done with your shift. Kira walks up to you and takes your hand.

"Shall we go?"

This is the first time he's shown something flirtatiously, well, in the physical way. You smile and nod.

"Shouldn't I go dress up nicely?", you ask, trying to seem polite and kind.

"Aw, you wanna dress up like its a date?", he says teasingly. The blond man knows you didn't mean it like that, but let him play with his fantasy for a moment, okay? Your face turns a little red and you chuckle.

"No, I just wanna seem appropiate." You say with a polite smile.

"Alright. Whatever you say, Y/N."

his hands | kira yoshikage x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon