Chapter 2: Fears

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The next two days went by as expected, my Gran had dropped me off at the house I would be staying at while I finished my final year of school and I took the time to decorate the place.

I was able to get a sofa and bed within the first day and had spent a well enough amount of time setting it up. Followed by me putting the things I had brought from America up as well. The next day was a little complicated I had decided to go for a folklore vibe since my last room in America was more of a reputation vibe. (In case it isn't obvious I'm a Swiftie). Overall, by the end of the second day of my stay I was able to make the place look much more inhabitable.

All that preparation brings us to today. The day I would decide my wardrobe. I know I can't wear what I normally do, thus I decided on going to the mall with Bangchan. Unfortunately he was unable to go so, here I am walking amongst the crowd with a few bags in hand  as my stomach begins to grumble.

I let out a sigh and turn back around towards the foodcourt I had seen earlier when someone runs straight into me making be fall face first to the floor.

"Yahhh"I shout looking up at the girl who made me fall who pays no attention to me and goes up towards a crowd of people. I then quickly move my hand up towards my face instantly feeling the blood trickling from my nose to my hand and freeze...

The next thing I know I'm no longer at the mall I'm brought back to the sight of that fateful day I could still not get out of my mind ever since I returned to Korea. Blood soaked shirt and shaky hands, the view of me dangling from the car was quick to come into view. the next thing I noticed was the rain slowly pouring down upon the car and the sounds of the windshield wiper drowning my cries out. I felt sick. I wanted to run away, to scream. But I couldn't I was just frozen dangling from the car as the blurry fog of my parents dying returned to me. I was completely powerless as the scene in front of me grew more intense by the second.

The shouting of a stranger outside the car followed by the flash of lights that came with him or her. The dripping of blood covering my face, muddling with my tears. I felt the tug of the door beside me knocking over and over as the stranger tried to enter the car. 

Thankfully just as I thought I would be stuck there forever, the scene slowly begins to leave my mind as a panicked voice reaches my ears. I slowly look around blinking profusely to rid myself of the terrible images that clouded my mind and I notice the blurry image of a stranger kneeling in front of me, face contorted in worry, "are you ok?"

"I- sorry" I say slowly getting up as the guy helps me up soon noticing the crowd gathered in front of me I instantly moved my gaze away from the group of eyes. "Who are you?"

"Geez that's the first thing you ask?", He says letting out a sigh. "Sorry".

"See he's fine no need to worry," a girl shouts as the stranger turns to face her with anger spewing from his mouth, "apologize to him, and get out of my face, all of you!" He shouts as the crowd instantly disperses followed by the girl who quickly apologized and left. 

"Sorry about that, people can't seem to understand boundaries." He stated in annoyance turning back to face me. But I simply keep my gaze away from his own. 

"Oh right, I'm Seungmin by the way. And you are?" He says wiping away my tears as more confusion settles in.

"Y/n?" I ask more than state. 

F4 (Felix x Male reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora