Chapter 3: Social Status Cont.

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"I guess this is it, were officially starting our first day here." I state noticing Bangchan's gaze of worry. "what did he say?"

"I asked about my mother and he told me how she was a positive free spirit, a total opposite of me." I explain and before Bangchan can say anything I speak up once again beginning walk out the building. "We're going to be late to class, come on slowpoke."

"Ok, geez wait up then" he say as I try to calm myself down.

"Do you even know where your going?"

"Not a clue." I state feeling the slightly cool fresh air hit my face a stark contrast towards how it was a few short days ago. We were within that part of the season where the mornings started off cool before untimely a wave of warmth consumed it.

I took in a deep breath turning over to face Bangchan speaking up, "we need to find our classes" I state as he nods looking at the papers in his hand. "We have English speaking in Building J room 4" Bangchan explain looking up at the building behind him. "this is building A so I guess we got a long walk."

I let out a groan of annoyance from his comment as he began to lead the way and I traded slowly along behind him. There were very few people around so I took it as a realization we were late and mentally facepalmed at the thought as another reached me. I wondered if anyone at this school would actually like me. I didn't want to be an outcast at another school. I always hated how that was always the case since it affected me so much. id never admit that fact to anyone though...

My mind simply continued to drift off until bangchan stopped and I ran into him, rattling myself back to reality as I look up at the building: more specifically building J.

"Are you sure you're ok? you seem more out of it than normal." bangchan asks let again as I let out a sigh. "you know that question is starting to bug me." I state walking past him as he quickly came beside me paying no mind to my slight annoyance.

I just hate when people ask me that as if I'm going to break. especially when I know I most likely will eventually. after all bottling my emotions can only take me so far.

Bangchan followed me stopped in front of the room we were assigned to. I wasn't ready to go in yet and thankfully Bangchan noticed and silently waited for me. I took that brief moment to take in a few deep breaths before slowly opening the door entering the room with Bangchan beside me. 

It was as if a wave of silence crashed through the room when we entered. For a few short moments no one spoke and I was sure if someone dropped a pin the noise would surly be heard by everyone. The students just stared at us as the teacher gave us a look of annoyance. "looks like the new students finally decided to join us"

"We had to meet with the principal-"

"I don't care about your reasons, in my class you are expected to be on time. Now can you introduce yourselves so we can continue with the class." the lady states sitting down in her seat waiting for us.

"Where are you from?" A student shouted as another girl continued after them, "what do your parents do?"

"I'm originally from here, but I lived in America for a while. And my parents own a small business" I muttered sending a wave of whispers around the room except one that was louder than the rest, "your just a commoner"

"And that matters why?" I say a little annoyed with how accurate the responses were to my thoughts about these people.

"You should attend a place that fits your status" she spat looking at me in pure disgust as I moved my gaze away from the class entirely.

"What about you? You look hot." Another student shouted.

"My family owns one of the top businesses in Australia, but I also don't see why it matters." Bangchan said looking at me for a small moment with guilt before look back at the students. Thankfully before anyone else could continue the teacher told the class to settle down and told us to sit wherever we like.

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