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After i knock LA out, i bit my bottom lips to not suppress ng anger too much, I breath deeply and began to think clearly after a few minutes of calming myself i suddenly heard my phone's ringing.

I grabbed my phone and i saw who's calling...
It's CK, before i finally answer his call i breathe in and out once again, i answered his call but before i ask why he called, he immediately talk.

" Hey, buddy, niomie called me she said she's in rhian's house"


"And she also said that our father is in rhian's house too"

My heart began to pound hardly
I became more sweaty
My blood start to boiled

"They didn't know why our father is there, she called me to look after them,but my schedule are suck. So i called you...i know you already know what i want you to do"

I furrowed my eyebrows

"Thanks bro, I'll be there" then i hanged up the call

I hurrified grabbed my keys and start to ran to my car,

What are you doing there jared!

When i finally go on rhian's place i immediately notice the figure of man standing Infront of the door, while rhian is slightly peaking on her door while talking to that man

When the figure start to moved and walked into front door i hardly punch the steering wheel then my sirens began to ring

I furiously go out on my car and start to approach them,

"So? Mr. jared i didn't know you're now a fan of 'age doesn't matter' "

Mr jared.


"Leave this house properly and don't you ever ever come here again" xander said while looking directly in my eyes, so i stared back

"Why would i follow your command little saphire?" I ask him while raising my left eyebrow on him

"Just don't ask me some random and bullshit questions of yours, and just leave this place now...or you want me to cut your dick so you can't release your fucking hormones 'feeling teenager'" xander said, he really getting into my nerves

"Feeling teenager why you suddenly called me like that--" I didn't finish my words when he cut me off because of his words

"Yeah, you feeling teenager. Doing random stuff like a teenager, going to bar, get wasted, drunken every night, picking random girls on the bar's dance floor, fucking them nonstop until you both are not too satisfied, not using protection and after that you leave them hanging when you known that THEY'RE pregnant and YOU ARE the DAD, ilan na ba kami? 20 plus? 25? Or more? How many teenager girls you fucking every single night of your life? And how many your siblings now? Except us?" He mockingly said, how could he blaming me on that shit? And with that i burst out of madness and harshly grab his collar

I stared on his emotionless eyes, and rhian beside him flinched because of my actions towards my SON, cause i notice earlier that she is spacing out, I didn't mind her cause I'm too busy firing back the savages lines on my SON

End of flashback.

" really do mistake, mistakes that once i really mad of, but the mistakes you already did, and still doing, are not acceptable...DAD"

"She stop doing her mistake when she realize that her family includes me and my brothers are the more important on her beside her own happiness...her own happiness that she will never ever feel when she is with you"

"Gold digger? Oh? So why she leave us cause she needs more money? And oh? She also leave you DAD cause you're poor don't have enough money to support her needs... that's why"

Those words...
Rewinding on my head again and again
He really want me to pissed off
He really want to see my true colors.

True colors that everyone's afraid of.






His true colors? That everyone's afraid of? What if his side that everyone's scared of, are not enough to intimidate his own son? What if their demon inside them met? What will happen?


I furiously throw his wine glass on the wall, that made it shattered onto pieces

"You really trying my patience xander..." I smirk and look directly on the wall " you'll see..." Then i laugh evilly

You start your game, then I'll start my mine too...and the end, I'll be won...and cherishly grab my PRICE while i finally throw you away from my LIFE. Xander.

You will regretted this,
You will regret that you choose to decide against my decisions,
You will regret that you treat me like i didn't your father,
You will regret not to support my needs and wants,
You will regret all the bad things you already done to me.
Cause after this, you'll never ever be my child
And i will treat you as one of my ENEMIES.



We're here now in rhian's living room, after the scenery awhile ago rhian decided to invite xander inside her house,while me niomie and angel still here listening on their conversation; of course we're the chismosa trio...

I'm seriously listening on their conversation while angel bitting her nails while listening on rhian and xander's conversation too, while niomie my masc friend listening intently while furrowing her eyebrows...

I know she really have a crush on rhian, and i know that she really a good friend, i know her planned a while ago, we have a guts that mr jared didn't do good, so i agree on her decision to called CK to bring Xander here...

This little masc really touched me, when she chose to think our safety more than her jealousy.

Yeah jealous. She really jealous on xander cause he always made rhian comfortable and safe, more than niomie do, you can't see on her face that she really grown-up like a matured and responsible. Cause hell, she's so silly, she always throwing lame jokes that we don't really Understand, she's the real clown in our circle of friends, by her natural and amazing identity and personality no one can't ease her...

Wait? Why am i talking to her like i like her? No.
No, never...i am straight...
And we're not meant to each other we're like sisters!

Why your so offensive?

I'm not!

You are~

I said I'm not! Stop bothering me, stupid!

Oh? You're calling me stupid?


Then you're stupid too

Why am i?

Cause, BITCH i am your pretty mind, STUPID

I rolled my eyes in my mind, i think i have a multi-personal identity...why is this fucking pretty brain of mine talking back to me?? Am i crazy??

Yeah you're crazy, inlove with niomie~

You weirdo! Stop thinking nonsense!

Suddenly, rhian and the others flinched and looked on my direction confusedly, am i said it too loud?

"Ahmm? Sorry?" The cutey-- i mean niomie said

I just scratched my nape and shook my head, "don't mind me I'm just contemplating to myself, that why Am i so Pretty gorgeous" i said and then they removed their gaze in me and began to talk again

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