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Quick little a/n, there will certainly be spelling mistakes in this book.

"Mother! Look what I found!" A little girl says, rushing into the living room. "Mother? Where are you?" The little girl walks around the couch, stopping dead in her tracks as her eyes land on something that a child should never have to see.

Her mother and father both lay there unmoving and in a pool of hot red liquid. She wanders closer to get a better look, something thay she regrets deeply. Crouching down next to her father, she rolls him over as gently as she can in a calm manner, her expression quickly turning to the opposite of which it just was.

They had both lost their arms and had multiple gun shots in their chest, but the most gruesome part was their faces. They had lost the skin on the front of their faces and their eyes had been goudged out, most of the bones had little crackes on them and the brain could be fully viewed even though some of it had been taken. Her parents were left with half a brain each. She quickly scanned the floor inbetween her parents and there lied a full brain, dripping with blood and sewn together, some other organs were scattered around it along with candles still lit.

She screamed in horrer and started crying as she dropped the flowers she had gone to get. The nearby patrol heard and quickly came in, also horrified by the scene infront of them. They quickly took her to the hospital and called in a detective who begrudgingly came even though he had to leave his son at home, something he was not very keen of.

A few weeks later, she was finally allowed out from the hospital as her aunties had agreed to take care of her. They drove her to their home and quickly put her to bed for some well deserved rest.

In the morning she awoke, forgetting where she was for a few minutes she cradeled her legs up against her chest before coming to the realization that her parents had died and she was living with her aunties now. She got out of bed and got changed into something more decent looking. She made her way downstairs to what seemed to be the kitchen so she could check what the time was. After learning that it was eight in the morning she made her way to her new 'parents' room to see if they were awake, they were not. So she took it upon herself to make breakfast. She set the makeshift table and quickly devoured her meal leaving not a spec of food to be seen.

After a few years of living there she has made new friends and gotten more used to the living conditions.

A maximum of 12 years had passed since the incident and she is now seventeen and trying to live life to the fullest, but disaster still strikes and she finds herself in another gruesome massacre.

Another little a/n, if you made it this far then thanks! I hope you enjoyed and hopefully I'll find some inspo for the first chapter, bye!

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