Chapter I

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She quickly awoke from her nightmare and rushed to the bathroom to splash some cold water on her face.

"Hey, you alright in there?" She heard a voice call to her,
"Yeah! I'm fine! Just had a nightmare again."
"Oh... was it the same one as the last couple of times?"
"Well... I hope you get better, also breakfast is ready." He left quickly to go set up the table.

"Hnn..." She grumbled as she dried her face more properly and left to follow.
When she entered the kitchen she already smell the delicious smell of the breakfast in the other room. She sat down and poured a glass of apple juice to have with the rest and she quickly chowed down on the meal in front of her.

"So... you had another nightmare," She looked at him.
"Uh... yeah, I did,"
"What was it about this time?"
"My uhm... my parents, I have a memory about them that isn't mine,"
"Oh... yeah you really should go to therapy,"
"Shut up Levi, therapy is the last thing I need right now,"
"Ah- Hey!! At least it's me and not Elliott that you're talking to!"
"True, he would just laugh and make a bunch of jokes then tell me to kill myself,"
"Damn right," Levi mumbled to himself, "Anyway, I'm gonna go clean up, while I do that get ready for the camping trip,"
"Okay," She cleaned herself off and headed to her room to grab a pair of blue overalls and a yellow shirt along with the other necessities like socks.
As she got in the shower she immediately felt the calming sensation of the freezing cold water run down her back.

After taking a shower she immediately started packing anything that they would need that she hadn't already packed.
"Hey! You almost finished?! The others are already waiting for us!"
"Yea yeah, gimme a minute,"
"Okay!" She quickly slid down the railings on the stairs and ran to the car to put everything in.
"So, shall we get going now?"



"Are you okay? I was calling out your name for a long time but you didn't answer"
"Oh... sorry..." she said, unsure of what had just happened,

"Hey people!! We're here!" He yelled as we approached the large gate,
"Finally! Do you know how long we waited for you to show up? What happened to make you so late?" I stared at them in shame, unwilling to admit what had happened,
"Just forgot a few things" Levi said, Elliott stared at me as if he knew what I was going through, But how would he know? He's never had anything like that happen to him, and why does he always put on such fake smile?, I wondered, not bothering to pay attention to any of the important conversations they were having since I'd just forget it later.
"So, let's get going! Is everyone ready?" Hannah asked us, a few yeahs were heard from two or three people, the rest just saying yes or nodding their head, Elliott and I just kept quiet and still.

As we approached the cabin I could tell that something was up. Elliott hadn't been acting a lot like himself lately and it was beginning to worry me.
As I watched him stare at the floor I began to ponder on what sort of activities we were doing, I was usually kept in the dark about the activities and things, only because the others saw it as pointless since I'm going to forget, but sometimes if Elliott remembers to then he'll tell me so that I can have a better idea in what to pack.
As I unpacked I could hear a few voices coming from the room next to me whispering something about Elliott and some other things, it seemed that they had a feeling that someone was eavesdropping so they quickly switched to talk about something else before they got caught properly.

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