** Clan Rules for the Royal Houses of Eldoria:**

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1. **Bloodline Boundaries: **

- No intermingling of bloodlines is allowed. Marriages between clans are strictly prohibited to maintain the distinct elemental characteristics of each royal house.

2. **Servitude of the Firstborn: **

- Only the firstborn of each household serves directly under the queen. This tradition ensures a direct line of succession and strengthens the connection between the royal houses and the reigning monarch.

3. **Black Sheep Label: **

- Any child born after the firstborn is labeled a "Black Sheep." While not deprived of privileges, these individuals serve as a reminder of the hierarchy within the clans and are tasked with various responsibilities around Eldoria.

4. **Secrecy Among Humans: **

- The existence and nature of the royal clans must remain hidden from the human realm. Any breach of this secrecy is considered a grave offense and may lead to severe consequences, as the delicate balance between Eldoria and the human world must be maintained.

5. **Council Decision in the Queen's Absence: **

- In the absence of the queen, the council holds the authority to make decisions on behalf of the clans. This ensures stability and continuity in governance, preventing any power vacuum that could compromise the safety and harmony of Eldoria.

6. **Rituals of Ascension: **

- Sacred rituals performed by the council accompany the ascension of a new queen. These rituals involve the convergence of elemental energies and strengthen the queen's connection to the realms, ensuring her ability to maintain balance.

7. **Guardianship of the Sacred Lake: **

- The queen, with the assistance of the firstborns, holds the responsibility of safeguarding the Sacred Lake. The lake is considered a nexus of mystical energies and plays a crucial role in maintaining the vitality of Eldoria.

8. **Forbidden Knowledge: **

- Certain ancient texts and knowledge are deemed forbidden within the royal libraries. This is to prevent the misuse of powerful spells or rituals that could disrupt the balance of Eldoria.

9. **Limitations on Elemental Magic: **

- The use of elemental magic within Eldoria is regulated. Excessive or uncontrolled use of elemental powers can disturb the delicate harmony, and practitioners must undergo rigorous training to ensure mastery and restraint.

10. **Council Approval for Alliances: **

- The council must approve any alliance or treaty with external realms. This ensures that Eldoria's interests are protected and that any external influence aligns with the principles of balance and harmony.

11. **Trial of Allegiance: **

- Firstborns must undergo a Trial of Allegiance before ascending to their role. This trial assesses their loyalty, commitment to Eldoria's balance, and capability to represent their respective clans directly.

These rules, steeped in tradition and necessity, form the backbone of the governance and stability that the royal clans provide to Eldoria. The enforcement of these principles ensures the longevity and prosperity of the mystical realm.

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