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The High Court Judge sat to announce the verdict.

He pronounced that Amanda was guilty on 8 of the 11 charges. He emphasised, that Garda evidence via statements made against her, confirmed she was the sole controller to a sordid sex-ring.

"Amanda's illicit procurements, saw vulnerable girls, bought and sold, and forced into a life of modern day sex slavery; all at her behest. In conjunction, with her affiliation with the Real-IRA, I classify the defendant, as a dangerous criminal." 

"The defendant is from, a more that privileged background. Her childhood was better than most, in Ireland. She wanted for nothing, yet she engaged, and sought out criminals. Her illegal earnings will be seized by the criminal assets bureau, and she will pay 50K compensation to the 96 recorded victims, of her deceitful criminal empire."

"Amanda O Reilly, I sentence you to 15 years imprisonment, with no parole board hearing held, before you serve 10 consecutive years behind bars."


Stephan eyed Amanda being handcuffed and taken out of the courtroom. She was on her way to a Garda Van behind the courts. Once inside, Amanda was driven directly to Mountjoy women's prison, Dublin 7.

He won this round, and he knew that the state prosecution could retain this intel, to prosecute everyone involved in the Irish Investment scheme.

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