Chapter Five

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Waking up on a secluded gravel road, a large man approached me. "Don't worry, I'll make this fast." A large machete sliced across my stomach. Blood started flowing out profusely, I tried to hold my wound shut. "Help!" I yelled at the top of my lungs; nobody heard me. As the minutes passed by, my eyes started to become fuzzy, my hearing started to disappear. I closed my eyes lightly, hoping the agony would end.

The light at the end of the tunnel forced its way in, it was beautiful. My body started floating toward it, I knew time was ending for me. I wasn't scared, peace started to settle in. As the tunnel became narrow, a vibrant gate opened. My body passed through; Dane was there. "It was just a dream, Nicole."

My heart was beating out of my chest, sweat dripped down my body. Dane hugged me tightly; my anxiety was finally at ease. "It felt so real, did I wake you?" Dane just smiled. "Night terrors can be a real booger sometimes; it happens to me too." He was supportive, I was lucky to have such a loving brother.

I haven't had night terrors in months, something caused them to come back. The only thing that was bothering me was Robert, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong with him. "Too deep in thought?" Dane asked. I ripped the last piece of bacon off the plate, I didn't want to explain to dad why I was being quiet. "May I be excused?" He nodded.

Walking out into the garden, Lilac was tending to my sunflowers. "Please take extra care of these ones for me, they are important." Lilac shot a grin at me, "I know sweetheart." I paused at her response, "what do you know?" She continued watering the sunflowers, "you set her free. I've been trying for years, but she never showed me the way. I'm glad she is finally let someone in."

Lilac looked back at me; I saw an uneasy look in her eyes. "This home will rest for now." Lilac was gone before I could ask any more questions, I wondered how she disappeared quickly without anybody noticing. Giving Nina's sunflower a gentle touch, I started my walk toward the creek.

Watching snapping turtles pop up to the surface of the water, Leo touches my shoulder. I jumped, causing him to lose his balance. I watched him brush the dirt off his pants, his goofy smile made me laugh. "What brings you out to the creek this morning?" I ask, sticking a toe in the water.

"I come out a few times a week. Whenever my mind isn't in the right place, the sounds of the water help me get out of that funk." Even though this was my first time venturing out further on our land, I agreed. Dad had decided to retire early, every responsibility I had suddenly stopped. Taking on the role of a second mom was no longer on my agenda, and I missed it.

"Come have lunch with me, I already have food prepared at the house." I smiled as he helped me to my feet, we talked the whole way there. Taking me through the sliding glass door, an assortment of fruit and veggies set on the glass table. "You have a wonderful patio." Roses were growing along the fence line, its vines wrapped around the sun damaged wood. Butterflies swayed in the wind; their wings were shining from the afternoon sun.

"How did you get such a beautiful view?" I asked, looking out in awe. "Mom always wanted a place to sip her morning coffee, so Dad and I went to work. For months we spent hours and hours outside, making sure it was perfect for her." It was sweet and thoughtful. I hoped one day, my future children would do the same.

I sat on the patio with Leo until the stars in the sky lit up. His hand slid up against mine, it didn't move. My heart pounded nervously. "I should probably walk you home, it's getting late."

As we stood on the front porch, he smiled at me. "Nicole, I had another great night with you, and I don't know how to ask..." Without thinking about another thing, I went in. Our lips touched; my body tingled like a million fireworks exploded in the sky. As we parted from each other, my face lit up like a Christmas tree.

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