Chapter Fifteen

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Olivia comes closer to me; she looked over her shoulder before speaking. "I've been working on something to get us over the fence, like a zip line of sorts." Staring out into the courtyard, I could envision what she was trying to make.

I wondered if I was the first person who wanted to help her, or if I was the first person she asked for help. "We'd have to run the zip line from the middle of the roof to the top of that metal pole," I pointed. She smiled at me. The idea Olivia was trying so hard to bring to life was coming to light, and I was going to make sure it succeeded.

Before we could go over any more details, the bell rang. "Chores, we should hurry inside." Ms. Selma took us to the supply closet; Olivia and I grabbed many cleaning supplies for the other children and ourselves.

"Has anybody seen Nate?" I asked, Ms. Selma put a finger up to her mouth. "Chore time is quiet time, please do not speak without permission." I rolled my eyes while sweeping, she grabbed my arm tightly. "The bathrooms are all yours, you will have no help."

Walking into the bathroom, I wanted to vomit. The stalls stunk of urine, the floors were covered in trash and dirt prints. As I started spraying down the first window, I could hear whining coming from the linen closet.

As I twisted the knob, my heart dropped. "Mary? What happened to you?" Covered in bruises and scratches, Mary cowered in the corner. I could see the pain and fear through her crying eyes.

Mary grabbed onto me and wouldn't let me go. I caressed her in my arms and hugged her tightly, I wanted to protect her. Taking Mary into the bedroom, I laid her down gently in bed. "I need to finish chores, but I will be back. If you need me, yell at the top of your lungs."

I smiled before heading back to the bathroom.

Tossing a soapy solution on the floor, I let it soak in for a few minutes. Laying my back against the stall wall, I could hear two girls whispering. "She's disruptive, and we've witnessed it all. Whatever she has coming for her, we'll be the ones to give punishment." Drying their hands, paper towels fall to the floor. I heard them snicker as they skipped out the door.

I wasn't sure what to expect. All I knew was they were talking about me, and I was going to be the next punishment.

A loud, high-pitched squeal caught my attention. As I ran into the room, I saw Nate hunched over in pain, and Mary was trying to protect him. "I tried to stop it, but I was too weak. They kept hitting and kicking him, he didn't even do anything." Having Mary lock the door, I stormed into Ms. Selma's office.

"What seems to be the problem?" She says shuffling papers. "Why do you continue to let these boys torture my brother, he hasn't broken any rules." Ms. Selma picks up and ruler and slaps it on my hand, I pull my hand back and hold it tightly. "Sit down."

Slowly sitting in the chair, she gets close to my face. "What you don't see is Nate is breaking rules, and you break them just as often, if not more. My children help with the punishments, so I don't have to." I balled both fists, not understanding why I wasn't being punished.

"I'd take all of his punishments if that meant he wouldn't get hurt again." Ms. Selma curled her thin bottom lip, "you'd take his punishments?" I nodded my head, "I'll take them all." Placing a hand on the desk, she extended it toward me. "Is that a deal?" I sighed, "it's a deal."

"Very well, then. There's a viewing today, looks like it's going to be you." I gulped, wondering what I had in store. Thanking her, I headed back to the room. "You can unlock the door, it's just Nicole."

Mary runs out and hugs me tightly. "Hey, little bug, they won't hurt you again." Nate smiled, relieved. "How did you stop it?" He asked, I cleared my throat. "I explained how you didn't break any rules, and she believed me." I sat down next to him, he hugged me. "I think we should go through the next chapter of rules, just to make sure nobody breaks them in the future."

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