Chapter Twelve

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"Leo, please don't do this, I thought you were good." Leo chuckled, licking blood off his razor-sharp teeth. Dropping a body from his strong grip, my jaw dropped. Tears flowed from my eyes, that body was Nate. Blood dripped from his leg; his wounds were severe. Bending down to him, I caress him in my arms. Screaming down the hallway, I looked for someone to help us.

Nobody was home.

I laid Nate down on Mom's bed. Wanting him to be as comfortable as possible, I gently rubbed his shoulder. "It's going to be okay; we'll fight this." Nate grabbed my hand and weakly smiled; he was losing consciousness. "I can see a bright light, Nicole. It is so beautiful; I think I should follow it." I held Nate close, it was time, but I was not ready to lose my baby brother.

"Tell me about the light, Nate. What does it look like as you get closer?" I whimpered in pain, not hurt pain, but sad pain. "It's getting brighter, there's a bunch of kids at the end of the tunnel, they want me to play with them."

"Go. Go play with them, I bet they'd love a friend like you. I will be waiting for you when you come back." I smiled, even though I knew he wouldn't be coming back. I swallowed the sadness and played with his hair; his breathing was becoming shallow. I started to tell him a story about us painting the clouds in the sky, my lip quivered realizing I would never hear his little voice again.

"Nicole?" Dane says, touching my shoulder. Tears were running down my face, my body was hot to the touch. "Another nightmare? Want to talk about it?" As much as I wanted to, I didn't want to rethink it again. "I'll come hang out in a bit, go eat some breakfast." I say, smiling. "Focus on the good things, nightmares are dreams of the past." Dane quotes as he left the room.

I went upstairs and laid under my blankets for a while. I was tired, but my mind didn't let me rest. The curtains fluttered about for a minute, then flowed back into place. Leo was standing in the doorway, his hands behind his back. "You can come in you know," I blushed as he walked up to me.

Handing me a small box, butterflies swirled around my stomach. On top of the box was a note: Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it, you'll land among the stars. Pulling the baby blue ribbon, the top opened.

It was a dainty silver necklace, a crescent moon. A girl laid her head on the boy's shoulder, they were happy. "Did you make this?" I ask, flabbergasted with how beautiful it was. Leo nodded nervously, "when I put it on for you, the boy will light up a bright purple. The necklace can sense your heartbeat, and I'll be able to feel it with this." Rolling up his long sleeve shirt, he wore a watch with the same design on it.

Brushing my hair to the side, Leo laid the necklace gently around my neck. "That is beautiful on you," I blushed, turning away from him. Caressing my cheek, he pulled me in for a kiss on the forehead. "I'm going to head out for the day, keep your heart beating while I'm gone." As he left, I had a thought.

Setting my laptop on the bed, I began doing some research. Leo said to keep my heart beating, and I'd do anything to hear his again. As I scroll down the page, I come across an article about what happens to the body after death, and if It's possible for a spirit to be brought back to life without their original body.

As I start reading and taking notes, a video pops up on the screen. Curiously clicking on the video, it brought me to a website. I watched a man bring his wife back to life, I was moved by the way he felt when her chest raised, and she took in her first breath. I wanted that, and that's what I was going to do.

Getting comfortable, I started to sketch out all of Leo's details, what he looked like before the accident.

Bright, curly dirty blonde hair complimented his dark green eyes, he had a prominent dimple on his left cheek. Leo was tall, slim, and slightly muscular. Taking a picture of my sketch, I had Dane take me to a few places in town for supplies.

We went our separate ways in the store. While Dane looked at hunting knives and fishing gear, I was busy rummaging through bins of plastic tubes and metal. "What are you up to? Looks like a tough project you're about to work on." I smiled at him, "you'll just have to see once I'm finished."

Scanning all the items, Dane and I headed back to the house. Carrying everything back into my room, I take my sketch out and start to construct Leo's body. Wiping the sweat off my forehead, I let out a sigh of accomplishment. It was ready for Leo, and I was ready for him to be alive again.

Waking up on the floor, my neck was stiff. As I looked at the time on my phone, I jumped up quickly. Rushing down the stairs with the body, I rushed past Dad. "What is that?" He said, trying to get a closer look. "I made this for Leo, his soul is supposed to connect and let him live again. Pray it works, okay?"

Helping me with the door, I headed toward the cottage. "Whatever you're doing, I want in." Dane yelled from across the field. As he caught up, we carried the body inside.

"Leo, hold this and keep it safe." Handing him a realistic felt heart, I sat him down on the couch. Dane and I headed into Leo's room. While Dane set up the candles, I made a special elixir for the ritual.

Dane led Leo into the room, his jaw dropped. "Is that me?" I smiled, watching Leo admire my work. Placing Leo where I wanted him, I lit the candles. Holding a piece of paper with written instructions on it, I let out a deep breath.

"Leo, let me introduce you to your new body. Take the heart I gave you and hold it close to your chest. Clear your mind of everything but keep your good memories of when you were still alive. Close your eyes and stay completely still."

A smile ran across Leo's face as he envisioned being alive. "Squeeze the heart, it won't fall apart. Think of the past, it will now be your future. As I blow the candle out, your soul will travel into its new home, all will be clear, when you hear the truth. I love you." As the candle wick smoked, Leo gradually disappeared.

Tears fell down my face. I was afraid it didn't work, and I lost him for good, I closed my eyes and prayed to see him again.

"You're too pretty to cry," Leo said, helping me to my feet. Pulling me in close, I felt warmth. Blood was circulating throughout his body, Leo was human. Looking up at him, his warm green eyes creased as he smiled. "I think I love you."

His cheeks were rose red, I felt him pull me in for a kiss. "I think I love you too." Butterflies flew through my stomach, my heart felt like it was going to explode. Knowing Leo felt the same way was magical, I wanted to replay it in my head over and over. "Thank you for helping Nicole, Dane." Leo said, shaking his hand. "Glad to help, I'll leave you two to catch up."

Caressing me in his arms, we cuddled on the couch. Leo twirled my hair, admiring the way I looked. He thought I was beautiful.

We spent several hours together; every moment was priceless. Leo walked me to the front door, giving me a kiss on the cheek before he left. As I opened the door, mom was hunched over in pain. "What's wrong?" I asked, helping her stand up. "We need to go, it's the baby." Dad says, tossing the diaper bag at me.

Mom was in tears as the doctors examined her. Squeezing warm jelly onto her stomach, we got to see something special. "Little bean looks happy, very active." Dad and I smiled, watching the fetus swim around like a goldfish. As the doctor got a closer look, he gasped. "I think I may know why you're in pain. Momma, Did you know you have another baby in there?"

We all looked at each other, shocked by the news. As the probe moved around, the ultrasound showed the second baby. "I would suggest bed rest until we get your results from the blood work, Tylenol should help manage your pain until then."

We thanked the doctor before heading back home, Dad and I made mom as comfortable as possible. Coloring books, sketch pads, and her laptop for any writing or research she might want to do.

"Is mommy, okay?" Nate asked, I smiled. "She's needing to rest for a while, then she'll be just fine." He held Wally close, "can I give mommy Wally for the night? She needs him more than I do." Opening the bedroom door, Nate and I sat at the end of the bed. "Wally will keep you company while you rest, sorry you feel yucky." Mom smiled weakly at Nate, "thank you, baby. Maybe we can watch a movie later?" He jumped up with excitement, "good idea!" Guiding Nate out of the room, I pat him on the head. "You're such a sweet kid, how did we get so lucky?"

That was a question I pondered on for a while, how did I get such a loving, supporting family? 

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