Chapter One

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We pulled up in front of a casino. I felt my heart drop.

"Let's go," my father spoke the words sternly as he pushed the door open, adjusting his tie.

Michael, my older brother, smirked as he followed behind. "I have a feeling we're gonna be lucky today," he mused, taking a whiff of the air. "I can sniff it out in the air... can't you, Ellen? Luck, it's in the air."

"P-please..." I murmured the words softly under my breath, but it was drowned out as soon as the casino's doors swung open. Shouts of joy, anger, and madness were mixed together. Not to mention, moans and groans of drunken stupidity... I inhaled the scent of alcohol and cigarette smoke and coughed.

My fingers wrapped around the door's handle, refusing to let go. Michael snatched my wrist instantly and tugged, prying me off and pushing me into the casion with a forceful shove.

I grabbed around the door's handle, refusing to let go. Michael snatched my wrist instantly and began to tug, prying my fingers off. He pushed me into the casino with a forceful shove and I stumbled in like a klutz.

I felt a hundred times more awkward than usual, all dressed up fancy in tall, stilleto heels that made me all the more ungraceful (I didn't even think that was possible). I didn't know what to do or where to go as what was left of my family skipped off, happy to waste the little money we had left. Cautiously, I clutched my novel to my chest; it was the only thing that could save me tonight. My eyes  frantically searched for a place, far away from the dangerous-looking surrounding me, to sit down and read the rest of the newly-borrowed novel.

I caught a glimpse of an red leather couch, sitting unoccupied in a corner. I heaved a deep breath and closed my eyes for a few moments, before clumsily moving through the crowd. Bodies knocked against mine. My orbs were wide open with dread; I must have resembled a frightened deer out there. My heart pounded out of my chest as I attempted to navigate around people. Half way toward the couch, I began to run, as if dear life depended on it. The heels didn't help me one bit. I felt as if the seat was getting farther and farther with each step I took. I started to panic.

You wouldn't believe how happy I was when I finally reached it. I plopped myself down and pulled out the novel, flipping through the pages to my current chapter. I immediately tuned out the outside world and immersed myself in a world full of fantasy and romance. I was so involved and caught up in the adventure, that I almost didn't notice the boy who was making his way toward me. Almost.

You wouldn't believe how happy I was when I finally reached it. Immediately, I plopped myself down and pulled out the novel, flipping through the pages to where I left off. I tuned out the blaring music and indistinct chatter of the outside world, immersing myself in a world full of fantasy and romance.

You'll be alright, I told myself, finally exhaling. As long as no one bothers you.

Involved and caught up in the adventure of the current chapter, I almost didn't notice the boy who was making his way to me, through the crowd. Almost.

He was handsomely boyish. At least, he seemed so; I couldn't see much of his face, as my peripheral view was limited and did not allow me to. I wanted to peek up at him and study his features, but I was afraid of looking like a... well, like a stalker. I turned back to the book instead and stared at the exact same word for a long time, trying my best to avoid contact. I waited for him to walk past me, but he didn't.

I continued to read, but my mind remained on him. I convinced myself that he was searching for someone, but it wasn't me. He probably wasn't even walking toward me. Why would he fancy me, out of all the girls here? It wasn't as if I was some sort of extraordinary beaut, or anything like that. In fact, I considered myself ugly and unwanted, when compared to other girls my age. What would he want with me? There was no good reason to approach me... perhaps he was about to ask me to move out of his way. Yes, that must be it. I concentrated on my book and ignored him.

However, he continued to walk in my direction, so I held the book up in front of my face to hide it, and averted his gaze once more. My cheeks were flushed bright red with unnecessary embarassment and fluster, and I mentally kicked myself for it. I didn't want him to see me like that, even if it wasn't me he was walking toward. I must have looked like a total ditz.

He finally stopped... in front of me, no less. I was tempted glance over my shoulder and look about, just to see if it was really me who he intended to approach.

I wasn't certain on what I was supposed to do, so I ignored him and pretended he wasn't there at all. I know, it wasn't very kind and was rather rude, buit I had no other choice; I didn't usually face situations like these. I wasn't exactly 'noticeable.' In fact, people usually didn't notice me at all...

He forced me to give him my full attention when he began to speak, in a thick Liverpudlian accent.

"Hey," he spoke, holding his hand out to me, "Would you like to dance?"

I felt stupid when I was at lost at words and said nothing to him. I ended up staring at his hand like a complete ditz, knowing my cheeks were tinting pink every second.

Glancing upward, I caught his gaze, falling into his eyes. They were so beautiful, filled with kindness that only made my blush deepen. I quickly recognized his face and realized who he was...

 This wasn't just anybody. This was George Harrison, the Beatle, standing right in front of me and asking me to dance... but what was he doing here, of all places? And why did he want to dance with me, when I was probably the least attractive of all the girls in the room? This must be some sort of joke.

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