Author's Note

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Hello there, Marma here!

This is my very first Beatles fanfiction, and I'm extremely excited about it, not to mention super scared! I don't have a specific ending planned out for this one yet, so it basically can go in any direction. Anything can happen. Anything... but don't expect them to turn into zombies or something like that, although I must admit, that would be pretty rad.

The story will take place in 1963, somewhere in England. I haven't thought of the exact location yet.

I ask you to please forgive me for making a few (or a lot of!) blunders along the way, which I am bound to. I have never travelled to anywhere in England before, nor have I met the fab four (I do desprately want to travel back in time and befriend them, however), so don't expect everything to be accurate. Correct me, but please don't be too brutal.

I love comments and reviews. They make me feel loved, even if you are criticizing. Again, please don't be too harsh? I-I'm a very sensitive person, haha.

Lastly, this is pretty obvious, but I suppose I should throw it in here anyway... This story is purely fictional. I don't own The Beatles, but this story is mine, so don't steal it.

Hopefully you enjoy and find my story to your liking!

Happy reading,


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