Chapter 4 WIMBLEDON Pt.2

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My dad had finally left us for the rest of the day, Julia, Richard and I were on the waiting of a physio table to get my recovery treatment. We were talking about the incredibly impossible chance to win the tournament but how exciting that would be, without mentioning the reaction my dad would have. I wasn't going to lie, it sounded greate, me, a Slam champion here in Wimbledon, yet it was heart breaking knowing that my level wasn't even close to get there. Was I being too negative or too real? I got out of my head after being tap on the shoulder.

"Hey, hey, hey! How's the futures of tennis doing?", I turned around, for a moment thinking it was someone else, but a very smiley Zverev replaced the idea. I laughed to the nick name.

"Omg, please don't call me like that. Not before my 1st round match", I smiled to him. "How are you? Ready for tomorrow?"

"Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to put more pressure on", he said cheeky but meaning it. "I'm fine, kinda excited for tomorrow. I don't know, I don't want to say that it'll be an easy match, but you know, it's just simple qualifier", he added with a cocky voice and confident face as he was talking about his 1st round match, not thinking his words too clearly. I was taken a little bit by surprise, maybe that's what he thinks of me too.

The smile that settled on my face slowly started to vanish; it took him a few seconds to realize what he had just said. I didn't know the guy he was playing or the whole context for him to said what he said but whatever that was, I was still a qualifier and for some reason, that comment made me feel even less capable of winning that I was already feeling.

I stood there in silence.

"Alex, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I...", he stared to apologize, his eyes widen up. "I'm sorry, I'm sure you'll make it further in, you're a great player". I honestly didn't want to hear the apologies, I was hurt, first he approaches complementing my tennis and all of the sudden, he miscredited me?

"It's ok Alex, never mind. Good luck tomorrow", I responded before I turned around, back to Jules and my physio waiting for me to star treatment.

"Everything ok?", Jules asked.

"Yeah, just wishing good luck", I gave her a small smirk, not that convincing as it seemed because she gave me that look, the same one you get from your mom when she knows something is off but doesn't ask any further.

"Ok then. Let's get this done for now, it's late and there's more to do, Come on."

"Just relax Alex, let's get all the stress out of your body before you break a bone or something. Breathe", Richard said noticing how tight and tense my muscles were.

Jut breath Alex, breath, I reminded myself.

Later that day...

text message:


> Hey! Sorry to bother, I just wanted to wish you good luck.

> It's Andrey by the way. I asked Sasha for your number; hope you don't mind. I was going to ask you for it, but you know, I couldn't.

> Any way, you can do it, have fun out there :))

> Andrey! Hi, I don't mind at all.

> Thanks for the good wishes, good luck to you too

>You got this. I'm cheering for you haha:))

The next day...

The day I was waiting for has come, the day my whole team and I have been working towards the whole season had finally arrive. Last year been so close to qualified for the main draw and finally I made it, we made it. God I was so nervous but excited, I felt like I could throw up but had nothing to.

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