Chapter 5 WINNING

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"Game set and match, Meneses 4-6, 6-2, 6-2"

"LET'S GOOOOO! Where's that little wining winnie?"

"Oh my god, Miguel, stop it hahaha. It's been a while since you haven't called me like that."

"Well, it's been a while seen you've win something", he should be punish for his cruelty

I gasped "What? That was so mean, what's wrong with you? Hahahaha", I replied to him.

"That's what I call tennis, awesome game Al, AWESOME", Jules finally said entering the cool down room as I was already on the static bicycle.

I couldn't help but smile, pure joy coming out of my pores, my first time ever win on a Slam. I couldn't help but to feel emotional as well, life felt good in that moment.

A few minutes later...

"Ok Al, let's get your things and meet on the players' dinner room", Jules said to me with a peaceful tone, she was like a older sister to me. "Ok guys, I'll see you there in a few", I finally added before leaving the cold shower I was resting into, taking my towel to dry out and heading to the showers.

After a very refreshing shower, relieving the most memorable shots I was able to come out during the match, reliving the feeling, the sensations feeling the adrenaline and the joy I felt after the game set and match, followed by my name, feeling a huge relive after seeing my dad living the court as soon as the match was done and not coming back.

I finished getting ready, tied my shoelaces and dried one final time my soaking wet hair as I headed to the exit of the room, I stood in there for a few seconds while I put my bags on my shoulder. I had no idea the men's locker's room was across the hallway.

Our eyes met.

"Hi", I said mumbling while shaking my hand to him. He responded with a smile, doubtful if he should across the room. I stood there not sure if I should nether.

We both walked to each other, meeting at the middle of the hall. "Hey! How are you?", I speak first.

"I didn't notice the men's locker was there, haha", I quickly added with a weirdly laugh.

"Hey! I'm good, you?", he replied.

"Me too", I said briefly.

"I didn't imagine you were here still, I saw a little bit of your match, congratulations by the way, I figure you might have left already, it's been a while haha"

"Oh, you watch it?", a slight smile shaped on my lips, "Um, yeah haha it's been a few hours, I just took some time to recover properly, I guess I fell into the moment and time went on", I said smiling, which made him smile.

We stared each other for a few more seconds, the smile still on our faces.

"How are you? Please don't tell me you're going to withdraw, Andrey", I said jokingly, "I still don't know much about you", quickly added with a cheeky voice, what was that, Alex?

"Lucky for you, I'm not going anywhere, at least before 1st round. We'll see then", he replied with also a cheeky voice. "I thought you didn't want to know about me, I mean your dad seemed very sure to not let that happened", is this that same shy guy I met some night ago?

I blushed, a mix of shame and shyness abruptly ran into my cheeks turning them an intense pink.

I responded nervously finally taking my eyes out of his very particular blue-green eyes and taking them to my shoes "Yeah, well... I mean..., He can be rude sometimes, more like all the time but don't worry, I don't listen to what he says very often", I finishes saying, returning my gaze to his.

This time he brock the glance and looked around, into the room that for a moment turned black, lights only spotting us.

Andrey smiled while replaying, "That's good to know, Al", his smile only going wider.

I didn't know what else to say, he was looking at me like it was the only thing he could understand from all the rest of the people and figures around us.

I smile, as wide as him and give a step back and looked to the ground again before my eyes burned because of his stare.

"Good. Congrats on your win", that all I could said, "I hope we can meet up around, this place isn't that big, it's not possible that we've only met twice. Are you hiding or something?" I added with squeaky eyes while cracking a laugh.

"Well, I guess I didn't wan to interrupt you and Sasha so, he seems to be very close to you", Andrey said serious, looking down and taking a step back.

My face shifted to confusion and qualm, "What? I..., I mean I just met him so, he seems nice, he's been nice to me, but I don't know...", I justified myself, for some reason I didn't want Andrey to feel like I didn't want to talk to him, cause I've tried. Unfair to only ran into Sasha.

"What? I thought you knew each other a while ago. Or that's what he said", Andrey replied with doubt filling his face. "Sorry, I guess I miss understood", his face finally relaxed a little.

We looked at each other reaction, we were there trying to understand the other body language and expressions, not to sure what to ask.

"I have to go, my team must be waiting for me", I said taking myself aways from that situation, what did he miss understood? Oes he things Sasha and I have... something?

"Yeah of course..., I hope, maybe we can meet up again, seen us around, you know. To talk", he said nervously not dure which words to use,

"Yeah, I'd love that", I replied with a warm smile, really wishing for that to happen. "See you Andrey", I said before turning to a side and make my way to the players' dinner, still going through Andrey's words, what was Sasha saying about me? and why would he said that?

"See you Alex", he added while I was leaving the very special and comfortable space we shape during that small talk.

Later that night...

Text message:


> Hey, it was nice to see you today and talk.

> I hope I didn't wake you up.

> Good night :)

Andrey:) :

>Hi! Don't worry, I struggle to sleep during tournaments so

feel free to text no matter the hour.

>Yeah, it was nice to talk, you seemed very excited, I'm glad for you :)

>I was thinking, of course if you want to, and don't feel force to do it.

>But I was thinking, you should come to my match tomorrow?


> It's nice to know I'm not the only one with tournament insomnia haha

> Andrey, that's so nice, thank you:)), it means a lot to me.

> I should? Hahaha, I'd really like that, judging you from the side of the court than on TV sounds more fun.

> I'll be there:)

Andrey:)) :

> Judging? Not very nice of you but I'll take it.

> See you tomorrow then. Good night :)


> Good night :)


First actual interaction betwen this two, what you think?


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