Action 3 [The Culprit..?]

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Some of the phighters were looking around the room for evidence, meanwhile some discussed of Biograft's alibi..

Medkit looked under the bed..he saw bright pink belonged to Subspace.. Medkit put the crystal in a ziplock bag..and headed his way to the living room..he had a serious look on his he reached the table he slammed his hand on the table getting everybody's attention.

"I know who is the culprit.." he said with his deadpan tone..

As soon as they spotted the pink crystal, everyone turned to face Medkit, their eyes wide with shock.

Medkit looked over at Subspace."Care to explain?"

The eyes of Subspace sprung awake, "What? It's not me at all!"

All eyes were fixed on the sworn adversaries.

"Look! There is a misunderstanding ! You see—" Subspace stumbled.

Medkit's expression darkened and he said, "Keep the story short."

"Biograft told me that they were gonna go to a room and search for evidence!" Looking frantic, Subspace said, "I was with Boombox! Correct Boombox?"

Boombox looked to Subspace, and Boombox shook his head, saying, "No Subspace. You weren't present where I was."

Medkit turned to face Subspace, then turned back to face the Phighters. "Do you all suspect anyone else?"

The other players shook their heads, and then Ban Hammer raised his voice, echoing through the room."Where was Subspace anyway!? Has anyone seen him during the black out!?"

The phighters all shook they're heads..Shuriken spoke up, "I was with Vinestaff in the spare room,"

Vinestaff nodded, "Yes, i was with Shuriken"

Sword turned to Subspace with a look of hatred, "You even faked being sorry for Biograft..that's"

"I know right!" Rocket agreed.

All the Phighters discussed with what to do with Subspace.

"There's a cellar around here maybe we can lock him up there!" suggested Shuriken

"Wont that be too cruel?" Sword muttered

Hyperlaser nodded in agreement, "It's as if we are in a game.."

Rocket shook his head, "I'm just so done.."

The Television flicked open there was a static screen but they can hear  a voice speaking to them, "Lookie lookie, my little play things..~"

Rocket's eyes shot open, "Broker!?"

"Too bad if you're talking to me I can't hear your ass! Especially yours 'Ban hammer'" Broker said in a sarcastic tone.

Ban Hammer growled, "I'll send you to the void forever one i find you!"

"So now, my little players~" Broker chuckled, "do you see a voting box on the stove?"

All the phighters looked at Slingshot who was carrying the box.

"Could it be this..? This looks like a voting box.." Slingshot shook the box there was a pocket attached to the side of the box.

"There's paper on the side of the box~ just write down the person you think is the murderer and put it inside! The phighter with the most mentioned name is gonna be executed at a crusher in the cellar!~ Simple as that~" Broker's voice sounded sadistic, the television switched off.

All the phighters looked at each other and nodded, one by one they all wrote Subspace's name on their papers..

Vinestaff looked at Subspace with a sorrowful look, "I'm sorry.."

"Don't talk to me!" Subspace hissed

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