Action 5 [A heart of a sibling]

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Slingshot has been executed last night, and the Phighters were doing they're thing around the mansion, Boombox felt devastated that he lost both of his closest friends..Shuriken was in the room with Boombox as he comforted him...

"It's okay..I may not seem close to you but..I'm here for you Boombox.." Shuriken patted Boombox's back as Boombox quietly cried while hugging Shuriken.

"Shuriken..I'm's as if death comes for us every time when the lights flick off.." Boombox whimpered,

Shuriken hugged Boombox tightly never wanting to let go..

"You know Shuriken..?" Boombox nuzzled his head on Shuriken's shoulder, "i've been know..when Slingshot introduced you to've always just..been on my mind recently..I don't know if this is a lil awkward but..I guess i call this"

Shuriken closed his eyes and embraced Boombox, as he heard Boombox's words, he felt his cheeks burn up..

"H-huh..? A-are you..are you..." Shuriken was speechless..

"Yeah..I's a bit weird but..I just wanted to let you know that.." Boombox whispered in Shuriken's ear, "I like you love you..."

It was lunchtime and no incidents have occurred yet, Shuriken and Boombox were walking around the house getting to know each other they both made their way to the dining room to eat they're provided food and sooner left to go out to the garden in the middle of the house. Shuriken immerses himself to the peaceful surroundings.

Boombox sings himself a tune from one of his favourite concerts, Shuriken immediately recognises it.

"Boombox! Isn't that the music you played at your last concert?" Shuriken nudged his shoulder and smiled

Boombox smiled a blushed slightly, "Yeah! Oh man I didn't know you will recognise it,"

Shuriken and Boombox both enjoyed their time in the garden, Shuriken looks up to the sky, it was illuminated of stars.

Boombox looks up to the sky as well and smiles, "Wow..It sure is beautiful.."

Meanwhile Medkit, Sword and Rocket were discussing who could possibly be the murderer..

"Isn't it weird that no one has been killed today..?" Medkit sighed,

"Yeah..there's only 8 of us left..the murderer is seriously going all on out on us.." Rocket's voice quivered from the thought..

Sword spoke up, "Guys, let's just hope nothing happens today alright?" 

"How!? matter where we are or if we are together, the murderer is always on us.."

"We'll have to secure the others while we are here" Medkit's voice was cut out, so did the power..

Vinestaff was looking for Shuriken she was alone upstairs, Shuriken and Boombox were out in the garden at night, Vinestaff reached the garden to look for her brother,

"Shuriken! I swear to God! "Where on earth are you?" Vinestaff growled, "I swear every time I take my eyes off y-"

Midnight had arrived, and Katana and Hyperlaser were sipping drinks in the kitchen while discussing the circumstances.

"I wonder how long will fate lock us up in here.." Katana gave a chin tap.

"I'm mostly worried for the younger ones, the murderer has already killed 3 people.." Hyperlaser let out a sigh, "a huge portion of us has already been executed or killed..we should stay aware.."

Taking a drink of his tea, Katana said, "I'll go find Vinestaff and Shuriken; I think they're still awake."

"Okay, I'm heading to bed then," Hyperlaser nodded.

Finding his disciplines was more of Katana's worry as he strolled through the mansion's corridors than the building's unsettling nighttime aspect. Upon reaching the garden, Katana was shocked to find Vinestaff badly bleeding, seated on the ground, and with a knife piercing her abdomen. In addition, she was cowering beside Shuriken, who was defenceless and watched in horror as his sister bled to death. Boombox looked on in fear.

"Shuriken...please stay with me.." Before dying entirely, Vinestaff muttered.

"Vine! Vine! No, don't leave!" Tears began to fall from Shuriken's face, "Vinestaff! Please say no, please!"

"Vinestaff..." Shuriken said as he embraced Vinestaff's lifeless corpse and stroked his sister's afflicted arm.

Katana ran as fast as he can to the scene, (yeah gotta add that cause his ass is slow) Katana looked at Shuriken and Boombox, "Did you see who stabbed her?" 

Boombox of the shook his head, "No it's as if the knife got thrown from far away, we didn't see it.."

Katana turned to Shuriken, "Shuriken, get the others. Right away,"

Shuriken sniffled on his tears, "Y-yes K-Katana..", Shuriken went off running to the main hall

Phighting! Murder Mystery AU (FINISHED!!!!)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant