Action 6 [Fate is cruel, cruelty itself]

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All of the surviving Phighters arrived to the garden shortly after. The atmosphere was tight, with worry and discomfort permeating every moment. All they could hear was silence echoing in their ears.

Sword decided to break the silence, "Do you know how Vinestaff got killed? Did you see the murderer?" 

Shuriken was sobbing quietly hugging Boombox tightly, "'s as if someone threw a k-knife at her.."

"Yeah, we didn't see anybody..the moment she stepped infront of us a knife got stabbed through her waist.." Boombox muttered

'If someone threw the has to be someone with good aim...' Sword tapped his chin as he thought to himself, 'It has to be Hyperlaser then..he's a sniper...and snipers have good aim..'

Rocket was comforting Shuriken with Boombox, "Don't worry Shuriken! We'll surely find the murderer to avenge the deaths of..everyone.."

"You guys always say that but it never comes true..!" Shuriken whimpered, "we're all gonna die here..."

Later that night, all of the Phighters were discussing, endless arguments and possibilities were piling up on the table.

"Me!? Seriously!? Me!?" Shuriken yelled angrily, "WHY ON THE FUCK! WILL I KILL MY SISTER!?"

Hyperlaser narrowed his eyes but nobody could see because of the helmet covering his face, "Because you were there, and in Thieves Den you are a ninja confirmed to have excellent ninja skills,"

"JUST BECAUSE OF THAT!?" Shuriken was taken aback..

"Say..Hyperlaser.." Medkit turned to Hyperlaser, "you have always stayed silent but kept pointing fingers at make the definition of suspicious.."

Sword nodded in agreement, "Yeah..Shuriken and Boombox told that the knife was stabbed from the back..not the you are a sniper. You have good aim.."

Everyone looked at Hyperlaser and began to murmur under their breath.Katana said nothing, going through a roller coaster of emotions that included anger, sadness, and concern for his drinking partner.

'Perhaps there is a chance that it could have read too many mystery novels...the writers always make the culprit the unexpected one...' Katana was deep in thought... 'it may be the unexpected one who is culprit...but i do not have evidence to prove it..nobody would believe me just because my reasoning is just some simple book..'

When Hyperlaser arrived beneath the enormous crusher, he was strapped to a chair on a conveyor that led to it.

"Cruelty itself is the nature of fate," Hyperlaser said, hanging his head.

As the crusher mercilessly crushed him, his final words were mumbled.

Phighting! Murder Mystery AU (FINISHED!!!!)Where stories live. Discover now