Chapter 2

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Lan Zhan walked into his tent, anger coiling through his body at the words of sect Leader Jiang. He himself had hoped to find Wei Ying at the inn, but he is glad that they didn't. Maybe this time, things would be different for Wei Ying and the Dafan Wen. He sat down on the bed and flinched as phantom pain shot through his body. He took a few deep breaths. His back had not been scared with the discipline whip yet. He will take that thirty-three whips again. Not because he injured the elders. No, because he did not protect Wei Ying.

He did not stand by his side. Wei Ying isn't evil. The last thought he had before darkness over took his senses, and he fell unconscious. His brother and uncle will never understand how deep his love for Wei Ying goes. If they did, then they would have helped him when he asked for it. Since being thrown back in time. He had come to realise that he is at this point only tolerating them. They had shown him that you can't count on family. They will turn their backs on you. Disregard your words and choose another's over that of their own family.

Once this war is over. He will try and find his own place in this world and not the one that had been dictated to him since he was young. He will walk just like Wei Ying. The single bridge road. He will go out there and forfilled their promise they made all those years ago. To Stand with Justice and Live with no Regrets. He closed his eyes for a second before he opened it again. He felt a wetness on his cheeks, and he wiped it away. Wei Ying wherever you are. I only wish you happiness.

The Yiling Loashi stood outside the Wen family's little village. Watching the guards who were appointed to hold them hostage. A smirk adores his features as he takes Chenqing from his belt and brings it to his lips. He started to play an eerie tune one he had played many times during the war. Calling on the most vicious and blood thirsty ghost. Those who answered the call were the ones who had been seeking revenge since the day they died. They hovered above and around their master waiting for the order.

The soldiers immediately recognized the tune. Fear gripped them as it spread throughout their whole body. They looked at each other.

"The Ghost flute. It's the ghost flute."

They screamed and started running.

"Kill them."

The Yiling Loashi ordered the ghosts, and they gladly obeyed the order. The soldiers screams were echoed through the night. They were ripped to pieces. Their blood stained the ground their bodies fell on. Satisfied the Yiling Loashi bring Chenqing back to his lips and thanked the ghosts for their help. He turned his attention back to the little village and saw his brother and sister standing in the yard. From where he stood he could see their tears and their happiness on their faces. He will come back for them. For now he will make sure no one lays a hand on them.

He walked forward with shaky legs just as Wen Qing and Wen Ning also came walking towards him. He lifted his hand and they both stopped.

"Qing-jie, A-Ning I'm sorry".

Wen Qing wanted to say something but Wen Ning grabbed her arm and she looked at him confused.

"I don't think master Wei is himself Jie."

He said his eyes never leaving the man standing just on the outside.

"What do you mean A-Ning?".

She asked him.

"His eyes jie. It's red like the Yiling Loashi's eyes."

She turns her head back to the man she considered her brother and that's only when she saw it.

"I will come back for you all after this war. So I am going to put a barrier around the village then I have to go for now."

He said as he bit his finger and draw a sigil on his hand with his blood. He slams his hand down hard on the ground and watch as a barrier erected around the whole village. Once it was done he bowed waist deep as tears streams down his face. Not seeing that his brother and sister were also crying. He came up from the bow gave them one last smile and turns on his heels and walked away quickly because if he doesn't and he walked through that barrier he won't leave them ever. Wen Qing and Wen Ning watch him walk away. She don't agree with his decision to help the sects but she knows that his heart was always in the right place.

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