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જ⁀➴🖤⃝🤍𓆰♕𓆪Taehyung's POV:

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Taehyung's POV:

I, Alex, and Kevin were hanging out on the rooftop at our usual spot. We sat around sipping Red Bull, chilling and trying to pass the time. As much as I wanted something stronger like alcohol, our college had a strict no-alcohol policy. But then again, it also didn't allow smoking but that never stopped me.

Rules were more like suggestions in my book.

"If I and Kevin were drowning, who would you save?"

I glanced over at Alex, raising an eyebrow as I took a bored sip from my drink. "You morons can't even swim," I let out the sarcasm as a smirk played on my lips.

Kevin caught me in a playful headlock trying to squeeze an answer out of me. "Just say it, Taehyung. It's me, right? After all I'm your best friend," he urged tightening his grip.

Alex who was sitting on the edge of the rooftop gave Kevin an unimpressed look. "We're both his best friends, Kev."

He crushed his empty can in one hand clearly unimpressed by the whole debate. Alex looked around for a place to toss the can.

Kevin's eyes suddenly lit up with mischief. "Hey, throw it at... umm, look at that person down there," he suggested pointing to some random figure far below on the ground.

Alex and I both followed his gaze and for a brief moment, we all shared a conspiratorial grin. It wasn't like we were actually going to do it but the idea was amusing enough. We were just bored guys looking for something to break the monotony of the day and this was as close as we could have fun.

I took another sip of my energy drink leaning back on my hands as I watched Alex casually toss the crushed can into the air but it didn't go far before clattering onto the rooftop with a hollow clank.

"Hey losers. What's up again?"

Our heads turned in unison at the sound of the familiar voice. Jules was strolling over to us with her trademark contagious smile that could light up any room-or in this case, a rooftop. Trailing behind her was Jude, who was as usual staring intently at the ground. It was clear that poor Jude was once again in the clutches of Jules. I couldn't understand why Jude always kept her eyes glued to the floor. Sure, it might be interesting to know if it was clean for a few seconds but was it really that captivating?

"Come here, sugar," Alex immediately pulled her into a warm embrace as soon as she was within his arm's reach. They fit together so easily like pieces of a puzzle and while it was sweet, it was also a bit much at times.

Kevin made a gagging face at the sight, rolling his eyes dramatically at what he clearly deemed to be another display of cringe-worthy coupledom. He glanced over at me with a 'Here we go again' look. I couldn't help but snicker at the whole scene. We'd seen this so many times that it had become almost routine and Kevin's reaction was just part of the script.

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