Part VI

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I don't know how long I've been kneeling. I know it's been for a while because the sun was rising into the sky. I knew my sister wasn't coming back.

"Sebastian . . ." I look up to see Bree. She sat next to me looking at S-1. "I'm sorry for happened to your sister."

"Don't be. She fought for what's right while trying to protect us from Lexi." I said to her. I wonder if she understands what's it like to lose someone you care about.

S-1 was one great sister, even before this war. She cared for all of us. We were really close since we were the oldest. She was the oldest of the females, so the girls looked up to her.

"I know, but . . ." She was lost in words. Her expression said it all.

"Does this have to do with Douglas?" I question.

She looked down to the grass. Bree didn't look directly at me. "Yes." She sighed and looked at S-1. "I can't tell you now."

I look at a nearby tree, then look at my sister. I stand up and place S-1 at the foot of the tree. I position her to look like she is sleeping.

"You're it!" S-1 super speeds to the living room.

I laugh because she thinks she can outrun me. I geo-leap in front of her and tag her.

"No fair!" She whines.

I move her hair to cover up the blood. It saddens me to do this, but I must go on without her. I move away and turn to look at Jett's body. That was an example of anger.

"Sebastian, we must go." Bree said.

I raise my hand in the air. "Wait."

I take off my necklace and place it on S-1.

"We'll be going on a mission together!" S-1 cheered.

"Awesome!" I say back. "Isn't this my first mission too?"

"It is!" S-1 hugs and we move from side to side. I can see the world now.

I look at Bree and see Chase walk over to us. He says, "where are your other siblings."

"We're here!" S-5 comes out of the woods with S-7 and two other people.

"Mr. Davenport!" Bree's face lightens up and she runs to him. They both hug and the other person hugs her too.

Chase's face was surprised, "what are you doing here?"

"We came looking for you. These two heard us and brought us to you." Their father explained. Well, I'm guessing he's their father.

"S-5, what were you two doing over there anyway?" I ask them.

S-7 was laughing, "he was hiding and I found him."

I roll my eyes and focus on Bree and her family. She says, "this is Adam, my brother and Mr. Davenport, my father."

I was still confused why Douglas said his kids, though they call this guy their father. "I thought Douglas was your father?"

Davenport's eyes widen and he looks at Bree and Chase. "You told them?"

"He knows already," Bree said.

"How?" He asks me.

"I overheard my father talking to him," I explain.

Adam has a bag and opens it up. "We brung these for you."

"We're going to need these," Chase comments. They're mission suits with a red logo on it. Each ring must represent them.

"C'mon girl, you need a place to change." My sister takes Bree by the hand and drags her inside the cabin.

"You heard Chase," Adam tells his brother, "go follow."

"Adam," Davenport tells him. Chase rolls his eyes and walks inside to change.

Bree was out quickly. "At least I'm not the only girl now."

S-5 says, "we have to split up and find a destination point to meet at."

"You can meet at our house!" Adam says. We know where it is. "That way Leo can see everyone again."

Bree looks at him in shock, "that is actually a good idea."

Chase came back and Bree explained to him the plan. Davenport looked uneasy, but agreed. S-7 went with Adam and Davenport, S-5 went with Chase, and I took Bree. We all took our three directions. We went south where the back part of the house faced our backs.

We were very alert. The good news is, it's day time. The bad news . . . it's day time. We could see each other if we clash into one another. As long as we think of a strategy, we can escape.

"So we'll just keep walking till we're in danger?" Bree asks me.

I sit down by a tree. Bree sat next to, she seemed to look at the endless trees. "What do you want to talk about?"

I told her, "about Douglas. Who is he anyway?"

Bree sighs at my question. "Alright. Douglas is my creator, as to say my—"

"Father," I interrupt.

She nods at my response. "We have time."

Bree starts off by saying she was captured with her family by her cousin. They met Douglas and fought for their freedom. In the process, Marcus was crushed by the rubble that rained on him. She says Douglas is plotting revenge, but never knows when he'll strike again. The last time they saw him was when Chase almost died in an avalanche. He was frozen in a block of ice and everything has been normal.

"If he's frozen, why did I see him two nights ago?"

Her eyes widen when I said that. "We need to tell Mr.Davenport! Teleport us to my house."

"Okay then." i knew it was a big deal, but not this important. I take her hand and geo-leap us out of there.


"They escaped!?"

"It wasn't all that bad . . . Seryna did die in the process." I look at my feet. Why do I have to follow his orders? I'm ruling over the soldiers and all he does is sit around doing nothing!

Mr. Krane asked me, "where is S-6? I need to speak to him."

I sigh, "he's gone too."

Mr. Krane turned around and typed some things on the computer. He said, "anything else goes wrong, you all will be under my control again. Understood?"

"Yes Mr. Krane." If my glare could kill instantly, he'd be gone a long time ago.

Before he dismissed me, he asked for a glass of water. I walked away to the kitchen and took a glass cup from the cupboard. I put water in the cup then came up with an idea. There was a piece of bread on the counter.

I get closer to it, "this can work."

I took it in my hand and placed it over the water. With my molecular manipulation, the bread turned into poison. The liquid was clear like the water in the glass. It would perfectly merge with the drink.

I poured the poison into the water and stirred it. I place the spoon in the sink and wash my hands thoroughly. I took the glass of water with me back to his office. He was still sitting by the desk, typing away.

I place it beside him and walk out. When I get to the living room, I sit on the couch. It'd be in a matter of time that he will be gone and out of my way.

A/N :O Lexi is back with new plans! She is so evil, she had killed her sister! Do you think she'll succeed killing Krane?

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