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It was night time already. We still didn't have anywhere to sleep. We were going to sleep on the couches again, but it really does something to the neck. Instead we decided to to stand up near the wall where the elevator was. It was much more comfortable than the couches.

Something tells me home isn't the same. Lexi turned the rest of the soldiers against us, but it wasn't just that. She's making a plan, I'm sure of it, and I don't know when she'll strike again.


There was a mirror in the room. It was a full body length to be specific. I looked at it closely and touched the perimeter of it. The top was sticky, dusty, and coarse.

"S-3, don't trusts the Davenports."

I quickly turn around to see my older sister. How was she alive. I thought she was dead?

"What? S-1 what are you talking about?" I ask her.

She stood at the doorway, then approached me. I looked at the mirror and she does too.

"Lexi is innocent. She saved my life, I didn't know I had died." S-1 tells me.

I give her a skeptical look. Was this a trick? She pulls me close to her.

"Look closely."

For some reason I do as she says and she moves her hand over the mirror. S-1 changes in the mirror. Her brown eyes change green, and her hair looks very dry. There is dry blood on her cheek and jacket.

I feel her hand slip into mine, comforting me. However, when I look down, her hand was all bone. I look up to see her.

"Forgive her," she tells me.

I try to hug her, but she disappears into thin air. She wasn't coming back . . . ever.

That wasn't the only thing that caught my attention. I looked into the mirror once more, my reflection took a life of it's own.

"Look at you," he said. "She left you again. You can't do anything about it you're weak."

"I'm not weak," I said to him. The person in the mirror wasn't me, I didn't even know who he was. "You're tricking me."

"No. You are. Sebastian, I'm you! You just have never noticed. I'm the triton version of you, I can mess with your mind! Lexi is fighting for what's right, you don't seem to get it." He seemed to get closer to the mirror, I inched away. "You're on the wrong side of history!"

He raised his arm up to the mirror. He's trying to break it! I run to the mirror and try to break it before he does. He won't get away with this.

I use my strength to break it. Many pieces fall to the floor. The back of the mirror is visible and he is gone.


The sound of the elevator woke me up, making my heart beat. I open my eyes and then see Carlos and Veronica flinch too.

Adam, Bree, and Chase walk out the elevator. I stretch for moment before walking to the kitchen.

Tasha comes from the hallway and walks behind the counter. "Good morning to you all. How did you all sleep?"

Everyone responded to her question. Half were positive, half were negative. "Great!" "Amazing!" "Wonderful!" "Terrible." "Awful!" "Horrible."

Tasha chuckled at us. She was about to say something, but was interrupted by Mr. Davenport.

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