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Back at Jisungs house they were immediatly greated by Yejin. "Yay Jisung you brought your friends over!"

"Hi Yejinieee! How are you doing?" Felix said. "Good. Do you think my hair looks good?" "Yes it looks so pretty I love your curls!" Jeongin said. "Come on let's go  play in my room!" Yejin said. "But they are my friends and I brought them over." Jisung said.

"Nooooo I asked you too bring them over so I can play with them!" Yejin argued back. "Okay, okay let's go." Jisung finally agreed.

When they got to the room Yejin sat them all down. "Okay let's play prince and princesses! Jeongin hyung and I will be the princesses and Jisung hyung and Seungmin hyung will be the princes!" "Okay let's play."

Yejin dressed Jeongin in a pink hearband with little pearls on it and put lipstick on his lips Yejin also got Jeongin a pink fairy skirt with an elastic waistband so it fit. Jisung and Seungmin were given a cape and a fake sword. They started running around and playing along with Yejin.

"Seungmin save me!" Yejin said. Seungmin picked up Yejin and spinned her around. Yejin was screaming of joy and laughing so much. Jisung tried to pick up Jeongin but his legs gave up and he quickly put him down.

After a while of playing Yejin got tired and they left her alone when she fell asleep.

"Soooo has anyone got some tea?" Jisung asked. "Yes me! So at lunch I was subtly flirting with Changbin and you know what he did?!" Felix said full of excitement. "No what did he do?" Seungmin asked. "He flirted back! And not just some silly stuff like hard flirting! I told him I liked his muscles and that they looked hot with them. Then he thanked me, smiled at me, put his hand on my thighs and winked at me!" Felix said basically jumping.

"Oh my god!" Jisung said. "Ask him for his number!" Jeongin replied. "Do you have the balls to do that though?" Seungmin said. "Jeez you don't have to call me out like that." Felix said. "No seriously ask for his number!" Jeongin said.

"Should I though?" "Yes you should totally!" Jisung said. "Okay next time I see him at school I will ask him."

Suddently there was a knock at the door. "Hey boys do you guys want something to eat?" "Yeah we'd love to let's go." Felix said. All of them got up and walked downstairs to get something Jisungs mom prepared for them.

Jisung's mom handed all of them some cookies. "Oh look at you it looks like you are just getting cuter and cuter everyday." Jisung's mom said to Jeongin he got all shy and bowed politly. "And you just get more and more handsome everyday!" She said to Seungmin he smiled and thanked her being all smiley now. "And Felix how's Changbin?" She said wiggling her eyebrows. "Good he totally flirted with me today! And he looked so hot in the shirt that he was wearing!" "Ohhh so when are you asking for his number?" "Tommorow!" "Good you make the first move if he isn't initiating!" "I know right I'm kinda nervous though." "Nooo don't be you can tell that he likes you from the stories I heard!" "Thanks Eunji."

The rest of the boys ate their cookies but Jisung looked at the cookie his mouth watering at the sight of it but decided he would not eat he had been doing so well with his 'diet' he didn't want to ruin it.

After Jisung saw that everyone was done he said: "Should we go back upstairs?" "Yeah let's go." Seungmin said.

"So all hoes assemble how am I going to ask for Changbin's number?" Felix asked. "Did you just- nevermind." Jisung said. "What is a hoe?" Jeongin asked. "Soonmin from our class." Felix replied. "The one that always flirts with Changbin?" Jeongin asked. "Yes exactly the definition of a hoe is Soonmin." Felix explained. "So we are a bunch of Soonmins." Seungmin said. "No I ment it in a comedic- okay anygays how am I gonna ask for Changbin's number?"

"Well you open your mouth and use your vocal cords." Seungmin said (he's such a savage) "Haha very funny guys help me!" Felix said. "Try to act smooth just see how it goes." Jeongin said. "Smooth like buttah." Jisung sang.

Felix sighed loudly. "You guys I literally am having a mental breakdown right now and you guys are roasting me and singing the only one who gave me a piece of advise was Jeongin but sorry Innie that was shit advice." Felix said in frustration.

"Sorry Lixie we do take you serious we were just goofing around." Jisung said taking his bestfriends hand. "Okay but although Innie's advice wasn't the best it had something in it." Seungmin said. "What?" Felix asked. "That you have to play it natural." Seungmin said.


"SHHH Felix my sister and mother are in the house remember?!" "Shit sorry but I wasn't lying though." "Okay we don't need to hear about you orgasms again." Jeongin said.

"I never talked about my orgasms with you guys!" Felix defended.

"Oh yeah let's see where do I start... oh I know that one time when you came across Changbin in the hallway then he came up to you and whispered something in your ear. Then when he was pulling away he 'accidentally' touched your butt, you got so turned on that after he left you ran to the bathroom and then you did something and came out all bubbly and happy." Seungmin said.

"Okay so it was twice that I talked about my orgasms.

"Actually there was another time when we were watching a documentary and it was about a pig trying to fuck a chicken then I said that that would be you and Changbin soon and you couldn't even look at the movie anymore because your dirty thoughts took over. Then when the class was over you disappeared into a bathroom and did unholy things again." Jisung ranted.

"Okay so it was thrice that's not that much-" Felix said.

"Actually-" "Okay okay I get it I'm a horny hoe!" Felix said. "You are Soonmin now?" "NO I UGHHHH!!!" Felix let out his frustration. "I just want Changbin's number not all this drama and bullshit!" "We know Lix we'll help okay?"

And so they started planning.

"I am so excited for school tommorow I have never been this excited for school ever!" Felix said he was basically jumping around in Jisung's room.

"Okay Felix chill calm  down for a second." Seungmin said. "Why would I chill when I am literally about to get my crushes number?!" Felix said still hyped jumping on the bed. "We don't know if it will work you know..." Seungmin carefully said.

Felix plopped down on the bed and pouted. "But it will right?" Jeongin hugged Felix they didn't want to upset him now that he was so happy. "I think it will, don't worry."


(A/N: 1179 words!!!! Thank you so much for reading remember to eat something healthy,hydrate and do something you enjoy. I love you bye!)

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