Chapter 6: This is Torture

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{Scarlet's POV}
The scientists began retrieving supplies from cabinets imbedded in the walls. On my side they gathered several vials of light blue liquid, a jar of some kind of crap I probably don't want to know about, and a metal rod. 'Are these jerks seriously going to brand us?!' I clench my jaw and slowly release a shaky breath, which I didn't know I had been holding, at the thought.

I turn my gaze to the window and see the IV contraption set up next to Iris. I know how much she hates needles remembering the time she had walked in right as I was receiving a shot and just about passed out. I make eye contact with Iris; trying to send her some reassurance even though I have almost made it to the point of scared to death. My brain is having trouble processing some things. I can't be scared, I'm a supposed to be an Avenger, but I'm pretty sure I'm about to have a major freak out soon.

{Iris's POV}
My eyes shifted all over the room. A shock of terror shot through me at every horrid item I noticed. Needles, chemicals, IV, a branding tool!!! Oh man, I can hear the metal I'm strapped to rattling with all my uncontrollable shaking. I thought I was supposed to be trained so I can handle moments like this, but I'm so scared!

I snap out of my thoughts as my eyes meet with Scarlet's. I can tell by her expression that she's just as terrified as I am.

I try to think of a way to escape, but then I notice one of the Hydra doctors dip the end of the branding tool into a jar containing a sticky dark blue substance. He holds it to the fire of a welding torch type of thing. Instead of being the expected white hot, the chemical has made it a bright violet color. It would have been pretty if I knew it wasn't going to hurt so much.

The doctor begins walking towards me. 'Nonononono!'

He positions the the rod over my left forearm, just above my wrist. I beg on impulse, "No no! Wait! Stop!"

The man presses the metal into my arm. I clench my teeth to keep from screaming. The pain doesn't leave once he lifts the tool from my arm. I wince and look down. There was now a permanent Hydra symbol burnt onto my lower forearm. I bite my lip in an attempt to dull the pain and hold back my disgust from the smell of my melted flesh.

I thought maybe everything was done for awhile, but I wrong. Before I can get over the pain of the burn, the female doctor sticks a needle in my arm. I normally hate needles with a passion, but I'm distracted by the other pain.... that is until the chemicals started to pump into my blood stream.

My arm started to burn and I could see an orange glow. As the color spread, so did the unbearable burning sensations. When it reached my shoulder I pulled my head as if I could keep it at bay, but it just climbed up my neck and spread through the rest of my body.

The pain is overwhelming. I have no idea how much I screamed but my throat is raw and I no longer had any thought to how Scarlet was doing.

{Scarlet's POV}
I watch as the scientist heats up the metal and my heart sinks when he positions it over Iris's arm. 'No!' I want to shout, but my voice fails me. That changes, however, once I hear her screams. "Leave her alone! You evil sonsofbi-!" My sentence was cut short due to a fist acquainting itself with my face. Tears begin to sting my eyes, but not from fear or pain. No... now I'm angry.

The IV is stuck into Iris's arm and I see the orange glow crawling up her arm. I try to struggle against my bonds though I'm not sure what makes me think I can get free.

Now it's my turn. One of the scientists dips the branding rod into the jar of crap, I now wish I still didn't know about, and heats it till it turns a brilliant violet.

Due to my struggling, one of the men has to hold me still while the other places the tool to my left forearm, just above the wrist.

The pain is blinding, causing my breath to catch in my throat. I choke out a few noises before I remember how to breathe, but all I can smell is my burnt flesh. 'Yeah... it's gonna be awhile before I eat barbecue again.'

I know I shouldn't, but I look down to assess the damage. Where there was once smooth skin was now replaced with the symbol of Hydra. I wasn't crying voluntarily but I could feel my face was damp and my body had begun to shake slightly from the damage done to my nervous system.

The female scientist brings over the vials of blue liquid and a syringe. 'Uuugggh! I am 100% done with this crap!'

She begins injecting me with the stuff, vial after vial. She then presses something on her tablet and the table I'm on raises from its diagonal position to a vertical one. Another button is pressed and I am quickly encased in a pod like contraption.

The machine revs to life and suddenly everything becomes a white light. Imagine the biggest static shock you've ever felt, then multiply that by twelve. I'm not much of a screamer, but with all the energy coursing through my body, I guess my brain decided to default to that setting.

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