Heart of desire

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Choi Han and the hero team were sent out for this beast that has been terrorizing the sea it was spotted at the 5th island of Hais islands.

The war between the mermaids and whales were getting worse Witira was sent to aid the humans and they shall aid her with the war materials were limited and the fires of red were growing in numbers throughout the lands and sea.

But there was another problem in this war a number of ships were destroyed and supplies were depleting rapidly both allies and enemy ship were destroyed and the caused of this was a creature from the depths of hell.

It was said to be massive having the mouths that could swallow entire ships whole...

Choi Han felt a presence following him he was paranoid from the battles he faced he decided to call of the whale queen "Lady witira!" He called out hoping the feeling of being watched in the waters was just his imagination and to his dismay it wasn't rather he saw her on the boat she walked to his direction "You felt it don't you?" Witira whispered "My whales felt something deep within the waters something sinister" she circled Choi Han as she continued "One of my whales reported of the creature it roamed the ocean it hasn't attacked anyone yet..." she paused "Why didn't you report this to the prince?" Witira's eyes lowered "My people heard crying and maybe if I could encounter this creature myself I could talk to it" Choi Han knew where this was going she wants this creato fight the mermaids after hearing about it she wanted to avenge her brother.

"Men to your stations!" The captain yelled as the sky was red and black rain... but where did this storm come from it was sunny and hot at first now it's cold and... it smelled death.

"Choi Han look!" Rosalyn yelled she pointed towards something from the sky it descended from the sky which confused the crew wasn't this supposed to be a water beast.

The creature plunged into the waters as it created a disturbance in the weather natural disasters that weren't there started to spread Witira has never encountered a creature before this was something to fear...

This was something no human minds could handle Choi Han felt the ship being pulled into the creatures storm's whirlpools were spread across the sea tornadoes that were bigger and could smite their ship the crew all tried to stir away from the disasters Witira held on to a rope to help the ship dodge these disasters jumping off from the ship to her whale form she held into the thick strong rope she tried to turn back but she sensed something...

"Don't go..." a voice echoed through her mind a swift turn she saw a noble with hair of "red".

"Move forward meet the eye of the storm" the voice echoed through her the phantom pointed to an opening towards the sea behind the ship were a dead end so she continued forward the voice was male calming and smooth guiding her through the storm she could hear the humans scream in fear she meet the creature itself she was frightened by it it was huge and very powerful with one glance.

it shared a glance at her.

'thy beast shalt not be forgotten!'

it yelled throughout the sea and as if following instincts it charged towards her mouth opened ready to swallow her and the humans but chains wrapped around the creature the same phantom formed with the sea foam raising its hand as it strangled the creature.

"Go I will hold the Leviathan" the phantom said as the phantom moved closer Witt's catches a glimpse of of the phantom's face it was that of the counts son she has heard of the counts missing son she had gotten his permission to explore his territory not before catching a glimpse of a portage "his" portrayed before she could utter a word the phantom faded as the creature disappeared with the chains dragging it behind a mirror-like-domain the shattered glass of water reversed and as if the phantom was keeping the creature at bay.

Witira jumped on the ship to check for any damages but only a minimal damage no one hurt.

"Witira!" Rosalyn yelled "What happened?" She asked Witira gulped her fear "I saw the creature and it was worse than what the humans described it to be" the sailors were now terrified and they would loose their jobs upon hearing her shaky voice "but I saw another person in the waters" Choi Han raised his eyebrows "it was the counts son Cale Henituse" Choi Han gritted his teeth "He was the one who led me to safety and not just that he was chaining the beast" Witira explained in details of everything she encountered Choi Han was at a disbelief on what came out from Witira mouth everything seemed a lie but Witira wasn't a leader to joke at what they just experienced.

"He said the creature was a Leviathan" Choi Han raised his eyebrow "A leviathan is just a serpent but bigger no?" Everyone looked at him "I don't know what that creature was in your world but this beast isn't something created by the gods" Cage said.

"What..." Cage paused "I got a message from the god of death" now normally Cage would throw a fit with this but she was calm "hold on your stuttering and fear?!" She uttered that in disbelief.

"Witira wasn't lying when she said she saw Cale Henituse in those waters and the god of death said" repeating the god just said of the counts son going missing there was something that had gone past the gods gaze that Cale became the creature which of course not helpful she tried talking well more like yelling for answers but no avail.

"So much for useful information!" She slammed her fists on the deck.

"Wait we could ask the prince and this discovery could be of use to us" Rosalyn was calm in this situation but in real she was shaking in fear and excitement.

"Men turn your sails were heading back!"

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