Part 67

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"So, where are we going?" Shiro asked with a slight smile looking at Adam, who had just gotten out to great him. Adam smiled back but had a playful glint in his eyes.

" up," Adam said, using his finger to point at a window visible from the street. Shiro blinked, clearing his throat as he looked slightly nervous.

"You mean up to your place?" Shiro's voice filled with a hint of disbelief.

"Yes, up to my place, don't make it weird now we have been to your place before, remember?"

"Well yeah, but that was just to get the car; this is different." Shiro didn't want to feel this nervous; he hated that he felt reluctant to follow Adam to see his home. Was it because he feared that their relationship would become more serious if he took that step. Was it his past heartbreak that caused this to feel so difficult. But he wanted to get serious with Adam; this just felt right when he was we with him. So why did his fears stop him? Was this a hurdle he would have to overcome? Shiro stood still, not moving an inch swallowing repeatedly, fearing not only to move forward but also that he had messed everything up with his apparent reluctantly.

A hand on his shoulder and a gentle hazel green eyes met his. "Just take a deep breath, we can go somewhere else if you don't want to." Adam's voice felt so comforting so soothing. Shiro closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "no, I want this," he said, smiling as he took a step forward. Everything feeling a lot better now. He reached for Adam's hand, and together they walked into the building and up the stairs until Adam unlocked the door and let Shiro step in. "And this is my apartment. " Adam said, smiling and gesturing into the two-room apartment.

Shiro looked around, seeing nothing that looked especially expensive and everything simply decorated. He walked in, taking off his shoes and coat and started exploring the little space, looking at everything that was placed on the walls, resting the couch, and looking at both the Kitchen and the bathroom. So cheap was his first thought. He knew the social and economic distance between him and Adam, but this was the first time he had seen the difference in there living situations. But at the same time, as he looked at it all, he felt something their big house never could accomplish. It was so cozy. It all seemed so cute. He looked at Adam and smiled brightly. "You live here?" he said, his voice uplifted and cherry. Adam looked at him slightly confused and answered, "yes, I do, not as fancy as your place but make yourself at home."

"I love it!" Shiro exclaimed earning gigged from Adam, who couldn't believe how the bigger alpha could be such a dork sometimes.

"Thank you," he said as he couldn't help but smiled back. "I'm just going to check on the food I will be back in a sec," Adam added as he started making his way at the kitchen.

Adam checked on the food he had prepared, and when it all was done, he and Shiro helped each out take out the plates and tableware and set the table.

As they ate, Shiro was amazed of how good the food tasted, he had grown up on food prepared by professionals never a real homecooked meal, but this was one of the best things he had ever eaten, and he made sure to express his thoughts.

Adam blushed, not expecting to be praised by the alpha. But he loved to be appreciated.

During dinner, they spoke about a lot of different things, the food running out long before they stopped their conversation. As they had been seated at least more than an hour with empty plates, they both decided to clean up. Shiro was doing his best to clean the dishes without the use of a dishwasher.

After dinner, they sat down on the couch, Adam choosing a movie. They started sitting reasonably close to each other; eventually, Shiro worked up the courage to place his arm around the beta. And go his surprise, Adam leaned into the arm, placing himself a little lower and leaning on the alpha.

They both enjoyed a quiet cuddle, looking at the movie..both thinking of no one but the other. Barely listening or watching the video. Shiro felt his heartbeat and how his pheromones had been released, not any sexually driven pheromones of desires but pheromones that told his current feelings and emotions. He loved to be this close to Adam to be close enough to take in his scent comfortably.

"I love you," he whispered under his breath, not thinking his lips would speak his thoughts. Adam tensed, lifting his head. A slight blush on his face." what did you say?" He asked, his eyes scanning the alphas every facial expression.

Shiro immediately flushed and averted his eyes, his face lighting up like a red part if a traffic light.

"Umm," he said, feeling his heartbeat throbbing in his throat. It was far too early for him to say that even if he had already fallen for the beta in less than two weeks. He was searching for words feeling like an idiot over his carelessness.

"Look at me, Shiro," Adam said, feeling hand's on his cheeks, forcing his head in the direction of the beta. Two sets of eyes looking at each other. They looked at each other for a good few seconds until, Lips touched lips, Adam has taken the first move, Shiro quickly leaning into the kiss. It was a light short kiss, but they both enjoyed it. They were returning to directly staring at each other. "Wow," Shiro said as their lips broke apart.

Adam's face looked just as red as Shiro's had. "I love you too," Adam then whispered neither of them having the confidence to speak it loudly. Afraid that what they felt wouldn't last.

They both leaned into another kiss a little deeper this time. The kiss not lasting long this time either but still the same faces afterward.

After the second kiss, they leaned back into the couch, snuggled close to each other, and resumed watching the movie. No Words more spoken. Heart racing and love growing.

Both of them were on the road to understanding that this felt more than right. That this was like the missing puzzle piece. That this was meant to be.

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