2. Learning about Canada

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"Okay what did I miss while I was gone?" I ask them. They look at each other before I get a hug from behind. I turn around and saw Marcel. "Marcel!!" I say hugging him tightly. "How have you been?" "I've been well, how about yourself?" He replies. "Annoyed by Uncle Elijah visiting the Bayou almost every week." I reply.


"I did it to check up on you." I say rolling my eyes at Hope's comment. "Yeah well I don't need protection all the time" says Hope in an angered tone. "Watch your tone Littlest Wolf." Says Niklaus as he enters the room. "Sorry dad" She replies to him. 

"So Hope, you and Niklaus are to meet me tonight in my study so we can discuss what you are going to be doing." I say as I turn to her and Niklaus. "Alright Uncle Elijah, But I have the day to catch up on what's been going on right?" she asks. "Yes and if you want you can have Marcel go with you. He already has something to show you anyways." I reply. 


"So where to first Marcel?" I ask as I get my high heel boots on. "St. Anne's Church. My surprise is in there." He replies happily as he starts walking out of the compound. "Alright let's go" I say speeding to his side. 

After walking for a while we reach St. Anne's Church and I notice there's a witch standing just inside the doors. "Who is she?" I ask Marcel. "Her name is Davina Claire. Surely you remember her." he replies. "Right the one who could sense if magic was being used and my best friend. Why is she in the church if she has free roam?" I say with a confused look on my face. "She wanted to meet you but only where she felt safe with Mikaelsons. This church is one of the places she feels safe talking to your family." he replies smiling at her. "Oh okay, let's get on with it, I haven't seen her in months" I say smirking. 

We both walk in and she smiles at me. "Hope Mikaelson! Where have you been all these months?" she asks hugging me and I hug back. "Mostly been a wolf either in the Bayou or a forest in Ontario, Canada." I reply to her and laughing when I see confusion in her face. "Where's Ontario Canada?" she asks. "About 1,491 miles North." I reply. "Ohhh it must be very pretty if you haven't been around for Months." she says smiling again. "It is very pretty! The pine trees are looking amazing this time of year and smell great too. There was snow everywhere!" I say excitedly. 

After we finished talking, the three of us went on a walk around the city as they filled me in on what has happened the last 9 months. "Oh last thing before you go, since I became regeant a while ago and the witches are finally listening to what I have to say." Davina says. "That's great! it only took a lot of years" I say laughing. Marcel starts laughing with me "Yeah, we should start heading back." He says. "Alright, talk to you later Dav" I say looking over my shoulder as we walk out of the church once more. 

As we walk into the compound we find Dad and Uncle Elijah fighting again. "Dad, Uncle Elijah, quit it." I say and they stop. "Don't we have something to discuss?" I ask them. They look at each other. "Yes we do." Elijah replies. We walk up to uncle Elijah's study as he starts talking. "So, me and your father have decided you can stay in Canada for a while again. We have some friends who will fill us in on what is going on but you can live there along with civilization without a lot of protection." "Who are these friends of yours?" I ask. "The Gilberts and O'Connells." he replies. 

After we finished talking about me going back to Canada, I walk to my room and pack a few things before laying down on my bed. Suddenly there's a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I ask. The door opens. "Just me" Niklaus says as he walks in and sits on the end of the bed. "All packed already?" he asks looking at the suitcase. "Yeah I mean I'm leaving tomorrow so I might as well be ready. It's pretty far too." I reply. "True. I'll miss you Littlest Wolf." He says hugging me. "I'll miss you too dad." I say hugging him back.

As soon as he pulls away and walks out, I get up and take a shower. Once I finish I get dressed and head to bed. I see a woman with White hair in my dreams, and she feels very powerful. Maybe I'll meet her while I stay in Canada.

Okay so the next part is when she goes to Canada and there's a specific city I'm making her go to and the Gilberts and O'Connells had moved there after Hope's 12th birthday which she's now 17 so they've been in Canada for about 5 years now. I'll make the next part tomorrow and it may be longer.

(884 Words)

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