Moving in

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Here's a bit of a backstory so basically when you were little your mom would take you to Katherine's house so you could play with the boys,well recently you parents and your sister passed away so you had to move in with them and you are kinda excited to be back and a special some one is coming to see you.

You and Jackie get off the plane and Jackie is talking with your uncle Richard,and you see the Walters,they start to ask you about your flight.Then you guys walk to the car.All of a sudden Jackie watches a video that's involves your parents death so she puts her phone down while you look at her,"hey everything okay"you start to say,"Yeah"she says with her voice cracking "no your not"you say, "I'm fine y/n,Okay", "okay just making sure,and hey your going to LOVE the Walter brothers,They are a lot to take in but they are fun to be around" you say hoping it will put a smile on her face,it did after you said that you guys arrived at the Walter home.You and Jackie walk up the steps where you and her almost get ran over by lee and his skateboard,you dropped yours because you got scared, "are you guys okay"Katherine says, "yeah just dropped my board" you say referring to your skateboard. "Hi" you hear from Danny, "who's that", "that my beloved sister is Danny the actor of the family", "thanks Y/n" he says as you and Jackie walk away picking up your board,You guys walk into the living room with Mr.Walter and see Alex and a random boy you've never seen,"hi Y/n",Alex says as he hugs you, "and who is this" Alex says "this is my sister,Jackie", "it's nice to meet you Jackie" he says starting to talk to Jackie, you start to feel like somebody's watching you but you see the boy on the couch stares at you, "and you areee" you say asking the random boy on the couch, "y/n thats Alex and Isaac" Mr.Walter says, Isaac is still staring at you as you say, "i remember Alex I used to throw his toy cars in the pool outback,Mr.Walter is that same pool still here." You say "yes it is it is still out back"as he starts to chuckle and so do you,you start to walk away with your skateboard as Isaac says bye to you and Jackie but especially you.Katherine brings you and Jackie something to drink while she's on the phone with her work,Jackie feels something under her foot it was Benny's toy car she puts it on the podium that's on the stairs Jackie starts to look at the picture wall and you point out a picture of your mother and Katherine,as you point it out you see Will coming in the house and you give him a hug, "Jackie this is Will,Will this is Jackie,Y/n you remember Will right", "how could i forget him he would rescue Alex's toy cars where threw them in the pool",will starts to chuckle, "yeah i hated doing that",you start to laugh,(im gonna skip a few scenes),anyway you guys are by the pool you guys already met Jordan,Parker,Nathan,Cole,you are in your room unpacking all of your things and you get a knock on your door its Isaac, "can i come in", "sure:" you say, "woah is that a-", you cut him off "a 39 inch guitar", "yeah,uhh you rock" he says "yeah and i also skate" "cool, I'm gonna go", "yeah it was getting kinda awkward,it was nice meeting you though" "you to" he smiles  and walks off

The man who owns my heart || Isaac GarciaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora