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Waking up to the alarm beeping like shit isn't really considered as a 'goodmorning' right. Right?


Let's just get up now, its not even like i have any other choice.

With a resigned sigh, I dragged myself out of bed, stumbling into the bathroom to confront the less-than-inviting morning routine.

7:30 and I'm just 10 minutes away to missing the only bus that takes me to my workplace.

I quickly grabbed my bag and left the apartment.

My life really has no 'breakfast' in it.

After half walking and half running, I reached the bus stop and boarded up. Ofcourse only to stand cuz this damn bus never got any vacant seats for me and I'm never early to even get a chance to get one. Life's beautiful

8:05 and I'm walking towards the love of my life, a company that I've always wished to work in. The day when I got selected to do internship here, I was beyond happy. I mean, who wouldn't be happy to be doing their internship in THE BIG4?

Ahh this place is the only thing keeping me alive.             Let's not talk about the load of work here that kills me tho

I entered the firm and headed towards my workspace, greetings the fellow aspirants

I seated myself and started cleaning my desk. My baby ‹3

And here the day starts, I wished myself the best and started working


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