-The Deal-

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     Vector's jaw dropped. The gadget he had stolen was, unfortunately, meant for traveling through time. This heist had not gone as planned.

     "What are you looking at me like that for? Does it bother you that a lord takes a horse-ride around my land?" The man accused. "No, no sir, I'm just- well- I think I'm lost." Vector defended. "Oh, I see. If you do not know me already, I am Lord Farquaad, the one and only ruler of Duloc. And you are...?" he asked.
     "My name is Vector, sir. I'm not from this time, sir..." Lord Farquaad's eyebrows immediately furrowed, as a wave of confusion spilled across his beautiful face. "What are you proposing, young man?" "I'm from the future. Somehow I made my way here, sir." Vector tried to think of a clever explanation. "I was trying to, um.." he looked away for a minute. "I was just trying to research Duloc for the world to know, but I accidentally went a little farther than intended." he said, the lies slipping out his mouth like butter. "Oh! A man of wealth and education I presume?" Farquaad inquired. "Yes sir." "I do not know if I believe you. Do you have your... credentials?" The lord asked.
     Vector dug his wormy, clammy hands into the pockets of his bodysuit, hoping to find his ID. He assumed that since he was from the future, maybe Lord Farquaad would think this kind of card was only for the elite. He finally got a grip of it, and held it up for the shortie to see. "See?" Farquaad inspected it carefully. "So you are telling me the truth, future man... tell me, have they passed down my name in the history books?" Vector nodded, even though he's never heard of him before. Lord Farquaad looked away, proud of himself. "Why don't you come with me? I can take you to my palace." He whipped his hand back and patted the saddle behind him. Vector's plump body hopped onto the horse's saddle directly behind the ruler.

     The duo arrived at the tall castle, where many soldiers escorted them to Lord Farquaad's main throne hall. "Other than my room, this is my favorite area of the Duloc castle... so pristine and elegant, I couldn't imagine anyone else enjoying it the way I can." They hopped off the horse as a crowd of men came to take it back to its stable.
     "I can show you your room you will be staying in. It's in the west wing, which is also where my room lies- you can come in anytime and ask me about anything that piques your interest. I will do anything to give a good impression on you, as someone from the future..." he asserted like it was nothing. "Wait, you're letting me stay here?" "Of course, what is it again- Vector," The lord added, "I will let you stay in my castle on the condition that you behave and respect me and my kingdom at all times- and there will be ZERO lying to me. If you lie to me, or HAVE lied to me about your intentions or identity, I will be SURE to punish you accordingly- under my own concept of punishment." He smirked at Vector's puffy face. "My concept of punishment is quite barbaric."
     Vector nodded, not quite sure what Lord Farquaad meant- but he did know that he found him extremely arousing to his eyes. And something else as well. That sentence sent chills down his spine. Punishment? What could that mean?
     Vector had been led to his quarters and made himself at home- it was luxurious. The walls were red accented with gold with intricate details carved within, and the bed made of the finest silks and furs. There was a well-kept taxidermy deer head above the headboard, and an extravagant painting on the wall parallel.
     He flopped onto the mattress and closed his eyes, digging into his pocket, trying to find the tiny time machine. To no avail. Had he lost it? Did it disappear while he was tumbling through time, or did he drop it on his way to the castle? Now that he thought of it, he never saw it after he was plopped onto the Duloc plains. It HAD to have been lost during travel.

TIMELY LOVE- Vector X Lord Farquaad (🍋)Where stories live. Discover now