Return Of The Eds/A New Idea

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It was a warm, beautiful afternoon in a familiar town known as Peach Creek which served as the home to a certain trio group of 3 boys. Then, a familiar voice was heard talking to his two pals about a new idea he had in mind... more brilliant than any of their scams or making money.

The 3 boys were at the Cul-De Sac where the leader of the trio, Eddy, was talking with his two pals, Edd (nicknamed Double D) and Ed about a new idea has involving their pals from Peach Creek.

Eddy: I'm telling you sockhead and monobrow. This idea will be the perfect IDEA yet! It would be even better than just scamming everyone almost every day as well as just collecting change for jawbreakers.

Double D: Well that's very clever of you Eddy by for once coming up with something that seems less like a scam.

Ed: I agree Double D. Although I hope this new idea of Eddy's does involve jawbreakers.

Eddy: I hate to be a spoiler Lumpy, but this doesn't exactly involve jawbreakers.

Ed moaned in disappointment.

Double D: Oh cheer up Ed. Like Eddy said, this new plan he has in store is even better than collecting jawbreakers.

Eddy: That's right Double D! I can even tell you right now that it involves everyone else around the Cul-De Sac.

Double D: Oh boy, everyone from the Cul-De Sac? As in Kevin, Rolf, and/or Nazz?

Ed: And even my sister Sarah along with Jimmy and Jonny as well as Plank?

Eddy: (Chuckles) Perhaps too clever you 2! One thing's for sure is that I decided not to involve those Kankers!

Ed and Double D: (Sigh in relief and speak in unision) Thank goodness no Kankers!

Eddy: Yeah! All they like to do is try to smooch us and turn us into their, well you know.

Ed: Boyfriends?

Double D: Ed's very clever right there!

Eddy: Not as clever as me with the new idea that I'm about to reveal to you guys what it's about.

Ed: What's the idea of yours, Eddy?

Eddy: (Snickering) I'm thinking of forming a new adventure team called.... Team Peach Creek!!

Ed and Double D: (Suprised in unision) Team Peach Creek?!?!

                                                                            To Be Continued...

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