Eddy Reveals His Team To The Kids/A New Team All Together (Final Chapter)

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Eddy: And back to the fourth and maybe even the final chapter of this story!

Jonny: Since we're back Eddy, can you tell us what is all about now?

Sarah: Yeah, tell us! 

Kevin: Unless you wanna get a good old beating from and Sarah here, you dork!

Eddy: If you say so, Shovel Chin. Anyway, I was thinking of starting a new adventure team with you all as well Ed and Double D called Team Peach Creek

(All the kids were left surprised at what Eddy revealed to them.)

Jimmy: Team Peach Creek?!?

Rolf: A new adventure team called Team Peach Creek??

Eddy: Yep! And get this, we get to go outside of Peach Creek and the Cul-De Sac and explore many different worlds.

Nazz: Wow dude! That sounds like we're starting a new adventure series!

Eddy: That's right, Nazz! It's just like mine and Ed and Double D's other series called "The Ultimate Ed-Chronicles"! Only you guys get to come along with us and we'll even make new friends outside of Peach Creek.

Jonny: (To Plank) You hear that, Plank? We're gonna start a new adventure series with a new team and make new friends outside of Peach Creek!

Kevin: Wow, man. For once, you're not actually trying to scam or trick us. You actually wanna do something with us.

Sarah: But wait! When you say make new friends outside of Peach Creek, does that mean make friends with characters from different franchises?

Ed: Of course, baby sister! Many other characters that are not from or related to our real series.

Double D: And just like any other adventure series, we get to explore a lot of worlds from many different movies.

(All of the Peach Creek kids became amazed and excited after hearing this.)

Rolf: Well, that would be spectacular, Ed Boys! Rolf can't wait to start this new series!

Nazz: We all can't wait, Rolf.

Jimmy: But wait! Will our new series come out on Wattpad?

Eddy: No, Jimmy. It's gonna be coming up on YouTube. The guy that's writing this story is also gonna be the creator of our new adventures!

Jonny: That would make sense.

Kevin: Wow, Dorky. I'd never thought I would say this but this idea of yours is..... totally awesome!

Nazz: Yeah. All of us are gonna be waiting until the day Team Peach Creek's Adventures comes out!

Double D: We're all glad to see you guys so excited. Us Eds are excited ourselves.

Ed: Exciting new adventures!

Eddy: And new friends. Along with a new team of kids. (Holds his hand out) Well come on. Put your hands over mine. It's what every team does.

Sarah: You're right, fathead.

Kevin: We are now called Team Peach Creek, so you have a point.

(Double D and Ed walked over to Eddy and put one of their hands on Eddy's, then Kevin, Sarah, Nazz, Rolf, Jonny (and Plank), and Jimmy all joined in.)

Eddy: Look out world! There's a new group of kids coming from the Cul-De Sac. And they are...

All of the Peach Creek Kids: (Raising their hands up) Team Peach Creek!

          There will be new adventures that await for the new team of kids.

                                                                 The End.

Team Peach Creek Is BornOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant