Eddy's Revealed Plan/Getting The Kids Together

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After Eddy revealed his new plan was to form a team called "Team Peach Creek" with the rest of their friends, Ed and Double D were surprised to say the least. They never thought of forming an adventure team with the rest of Peach Creek until Eddy just mentioned the new idea.

Eddy: That's right, boys. Team Peach Creek, it's the new adventure name for us 3 and everyone else. I plan take all of us outside the Cul-De Sac and Peach Creek itself and maybe even meet some new faces.

Double D: Wait! That sounds like we're doing another new adventure series. I mean haven't you guys forgotten our original adventure series called "Ed, Edd n Eddy: The Ultimate Ed-Chronicles"?

Ed: Oh yeah, Double D has a point, Eddy. And it's created by the name of "moviemanMDG".

Eddy: That's true. But this one will be different. It'll be made by another fan of us 3, we'll even have other different franchised characters join us on our new adven.. I mean "Ed-ventures" as that's how everyone else calls it.

Double D: Well, I can't say it'll hurt to try something new.

Ed: I love to go on new "Ed-ventures".

Eddy: Exactly, guys! And since I'm involving all the other kids on our new team, Perhaps it would be a good time to get them all to come over and I could tell them about all this.

Ed: I can't wait!

Double D: Me neither! So what are we waiting for? Let's do what Eddy says and call all of the kids over to hear what Eddy has planned in store.

Eddy: This is gonna be interesting.


(After Ed and and Double D called all of the Peach Creek Kids over, they were quite confused as two of Eddy's pals were earlier having been unaware of Eddy's new adventure team.)

Kevin: Boy, I'd still like to wonder what dorkster has planned again.

Rolf: Not to fret, Kevin-Boy. The 2 Ed-boys did mention that it wasn't a scam.

Sarah: If fathead's playing a trick on us, so help me I'll be giving him some good fists!

Kevin: He's really trying to scam us again, then you give him your fists Sarah while he gets a beating from my trusty bat!

Jimmy: Oh no! I really don't like violence!

Nazz: Calm down dudes! We don't wanna just jump to conclusions. And Ed and Double D already told us it wasn't a scam.

Jonny: That's true. Heck, me and Plank are feeling quite anxious to find out what's going here.

Rolf: It seems like we're just about to find Jonny Wood-Boy.

Then, The Eds finally came out. This seemed to show the kids that Eddy was now about to tell them his new idea.

Kevin: Well, it looks like the 3 dweebs are finally here, especially Dorky! Sockhead and Monobrow told us all you had something planned out with us.

Nazz: Yeah dude, spill the beans! What's this idea that Ed and Double D were telling us about?

Sarah: Spill it, Fathead!

Eddy: I will, Twerp! Starting in the next chapter.

Rolf: Huh?

Jimmy: What?

Jonny: Uh, did he just say next chapter?

Eddy: That's right, Baldy. I'll let the cat out of the bag and spill everything in the fourth chapter. This is only the third.

Double: (Chuckles) After all these years, we still manage to go meta at points.

Ed: You said it, Double D.

(To be continued...)

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